Leeds Graduate Ambassador Program
Extend outreach and touch points for the Leeds MBA Alumni Board by keeping past board members and other alumni engaged, utilize connections for promoting events, and create ad hoc groups to test ideas.
What is an Ambassador:
- Ambassadors will have first knowledge of events and will utilize their networks to drive promotion and participation
- Ambassadors will have the option for an increased level of engagement to test ideas, share with their network for events/speakers, and greet event attendees.
Ambassadors WILL:
- After each Alumni board meeting, be given an update for upcoming events.
- Whenever the Advancement team has flyer/blurb to share, they will share with the Alumni board and Ambassadors to share within their networks using text, email, and/or social media
Ambassadors CAN:
- As test ideas are developed at board level, it will be communicated to ambassadors to get feedback. If necessary, ad hoc discussion groups can be formed to report back to Engagement chair and/or Alumni board
- If specific speakers are needed for events that Alumni Board doesn’t have connections to, ambassadors can see if they can facilitate and introduction
Ambassadors serve for one year terms without a lifetime max.
- Retiring board members will automatically become ambassadors, they can opt out at any time
- Board applications who are not chosen for upcoming year, can choose to be Ambassador instead
- Any engaged alumni who wishes to remain close to the activities, events and board-driven initiatives may request to join
For service as Ambassadors, at the annual winter celebration, a specific thank you/recognition may be delivered to the Ambassadors.Ìý At end of the year, Alumni board will thank Ambassadors for service
Want to get involved: …
Stay connected to the MBA and Graduate programs, connect with peers, build the Leeds brand and boost engagement. We’re seeking outreach ambassadors from all classes to share MBA event details via email, text, social media and word of mouth. EmailÌýleedsmbaboard@colorado.edu with questions, and sign up throughÌý.