Nitrogen Oxides
Reference Levels

Nitrogen Oxide Molecule
Currently there are no standards or limits for indoor air levels of nitrogen oxides; for reference, levels in homes without combustion appliances are typically half of outdoor levels, while homes with combustion appliances can have levels exceeding outdoor levels.Ìý The outdoor annual average limit for NO2 is set at .053 ppm.
Note that most pods do not contain NOx sensors as of 2021, but they are available upon request.
This measurement refers to the NO and NO2 levels in the air, both of which are toxic.Ìý Indoors, these compounds primarily result from combustion reactions (gas stoves, gas heaters, tobacco smoke).Ìý Outdoors, NO and NO2 come primarily from emissions (car exhaust, or industry).Ìý They pose a threat to human health both in their NO and NO2 forms, and because NO2 is a contributor to ozone production. Nitrogen dioxide is formed at high temperatures as N2 is broken up in the air.Ìý​