Carbon Monoxide
Reference Levels

CO Molecule
.5 - 5 ppm: typical range in homes with no gas stoves
5 - 15 ppm: typical range in homes with gas stoves
1-70Ìýppm:ÌýProlonged exposure to this range typically does not cause symptoms in healthy people
> 70 ppm:Ìý Symptoms of CO poisoning will begin to appear in healthy people
> 150 - 200 ppm: Dangerous levels of CO exposure
This pollutant is produced byÌýthe incomplete (non-ideal) burning of fuels such as natural gas, coal, wood, gasoline, etc.Ìý Common sources of carbon monoxide are unvented gas space heaters, gas stoves, fireplaces, generators, gasoline-powered equipment, including automobiles.Ìý In particular, dangerous sources can be old or poorly functioning combustion devices.Ìý In high enoughÌýquantities, this pollutant can pose immediate threats to human health and life.