Adaptive Sports

boy on ice sled

This program supports CU Boulder students with physical disabilities by offering sports and other recreational activities for all levels. We encourage students to try something new, have fun and participate in competition.

Our goal is to grow this program to include competitive and recreational adaptive sports and fitness programs, including Intramural (IM) Sports and Sport Clubs teams.

Updates for Adaptive Sports and Rec will be included in the bi-weekly Rec Newsletter.

For questions, comments or to hear from a member of the Adaptive Sports and Recreation team:

Adaptive Sports interest form

Adaptive sports
  • Wheelchair tennis
Adaptive recreation
ADA Parking

If you have ADA parking credentials and a valid CU parking permit, you can email ±è²¹°ù°ì¾±²Ô²µ±è±ð°ù³¾¾±³Ù²õ°ª³¦´Ç±ô´Ç°ù²¹»å´Ç.±ð»å³ÜÌýto request ADA parking near the Rec Center at no additional charge.

Additional Resources

Disability Services

Disability Services is dedicated to providing students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in university programs, courses and activities through reasonable accommodations and services. Our office is here to support students, staff and faculty with accommodation requests, implementation, guidance and general information.

Learn more about Disability Services

Center for Inclusion and Social Change

The Center for Inclusion and Social Change (CISC) provides high-impact, transformational community building and educational programs at CU Boulder. Their office aims to nurture leaders and educate community members about intersectional identity development, diversity, equity and social justice.

Learn more about the Center for Inclusion and Social Change