Tutoring in IPHY Courses

Looking for a Tutor?

If you are looking for a tutor, the students in the list below are current IPHY students who have indicated they are willing to tutor their fellow students. This list is provided for informational purposes only and it is up to you and the tutor to negotiate the terms and set the expectations.

If you are unable to find a tutor for your course, here are a few additional options:

  • Let the instructor know you are looking for tutoring. There may be current or former TAs (often undergraduate TAs) that are interested in tutoring.
  • Also see the College of Arts & Science's Tutoring Resources page for a current list of available tutoring programs.
Name of Tutor:Classes to Tutor
Kristina AdjievaIPHY 2420, 2692, 3435
Maggie BabbitIPHY 2400, 2420, 3410, 3430, 3435, 4440, 4580, 4600
Pushapman BrarIPHY 3410
Bethany BreikssIPHY 2400, 3280, 3410
Annabel CarpenterIPHY 2420, 3280, 3410
Brooke CatichIPHY 2420, 3410
Dakota ConnellIPHY 2420
Alaina FantaskiIPHY 2420, 3410
Brendan HarbrechtIPHY 3280, 3410
Carlie HaskellIPHY 1030, 2400, 2420, 3410, 3430, 3435, 3700, 4580
Skye HenleyIPHY 2400
Vinny LeIPHY 4580
Malena LevinsonIPHY 2420, 3410, 3415, 3430, 3435, 3700, 4580
Bella MacarelliIPHY 1600, 2400, 3410, 3430, 4440
Alexa MacklinIPHY 2420
Meriwether McLeanIPHY 1600, 2400, 2692, 3410, 4440, 4720
Annie MorelIPHY 2400, 3410, 3415, 3430
Kate MorganIPHY 1030, 1600, 2420, 3280, 3410, 3430
Kaitlyn MortmanIPHY 2400, 3410, 3415
Sophie NiedIPHY 1600, 2420, 2692, 3410, 3430, 3435, 3490, 4440, 4580, 4600
Katie NovakIPHY 2420, 3020, 3410, 3430, 3437, 3490, 4300, 4440, 4580, 4650
Lizzy PrattIPHY 3410, 3415, 3430, 4440, 4600
Isabel PueblaIPHY 3410
Dylan SimonsIPHY 1600, 3410, 3430, 3435, 4600
Hayden StephensIPHY 1030, 2400, 3410
Ellie TollIPHY 1030, 2400, 2420, 2692, 3410, 3435
Olivia WestbergIPHY 2420
Kindyll WettaIPHY 1600, 2420, 3410, 3415, 3430, 3437, 3490, 4440, 4580, 4650
Jeremy WolfordIPHY 3410, 3415
Chloe WuIPHY 2400, 3410, 3415, 4440, 4580, 4600
Lauren YeagerIPHY 2400, 2420, 3020, 3415, 4540, 4580