Human Resources Calendar

Last updated 06/21/2024(*CRPT process dates updated for AY 2024-25); 02/06/2024 (corrected due date for Faculty Fellowships)

Within the College of Engineering and Applied Science, there is a recommended timeline for all processes involving human resources:


Regent and Provost personnel action approvals received from Faculty Affairs

College HR Director sends reports to HR Liaison email list

January February March April May June July August September October November December


  • January 1:Faculty annual performance evaluation cycle begins
  • January 1:Faculty & staff employee merit increases are effective, if applicable
  • January 1:General fund research faculty employee merit increases are effective, if applicable
  • January 15:Faculty AY, CY, fall, and spring sabbatical applications due to CEAS HR
  • January 16*: Faculty promotion and tenure cases due to the campus Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA)
  • Last Friday of January: Faculty reappointment of Instructor Track/Scholars-in-Residence due to CEAS HR
  • Last Friday of January:Teaching Professor nominations due to Associate Dean of Faculty Advancement
  • Welcome and onboard all new faculty hires
  • Set-up all new faculty appointments tenured, tenure-track, instructional, adjuncts, etc.
  • Set-up all new student, TA, etc. appointments
  • Ensure directory/website is updated with new employees
  • On quarterly basis, ensure required trainings completed for unit: Discrimination & Sexual Misconduct, Information Security & Privacy Awareness, and Fiscal Code of Ethics, as well as the recommendedCOVID-19 Safety & Awareness Training, Community Equity & Effective Bystander Intervention Training, Active Harmer Training
  • Faculty retention offer season starts
  • Classified & University Staff 6-month performance cycle marker - review goals/coaching session
  • Approve MyLeave timesheets by the 10th of the month for staff and research
  • Approve MyLeave timesheets bi-weekly for student and temporary roles
  • CEAS HR welcomes new staff members at the New Employee Orientation. This orientation takes place roughly on a quarterly basis but the specific date may vary depending on fluctuations in hiring and presenter availability.
  • CEAS HR notifies units of faculty eligible for a sabbatical in the AY one year in advance
  • CEAS HR send list of faculty sabbatical reports due April 1
  • CEAS HR sends reminders about post-tenure reviews due May 1
  • CEAS HR informs units of staff milestone anniversaries for semester
  • CEAS HR contacts department/unit leadership to nominate Employee Recognition Award for assigned month
  • CEAS HR notifies Dean of expiring named positions, chair/director, associate chair/faculty directors letters of offer for upcoming Fiscal Year/Academic Year


    • February 1: Online submission of Faculty Report of Professional Activities (FRPA) due
    • February 12*: Promotion to Full Professor dossiers due to campus Office of Faculty Affairs
    • February 20:Dean’s Faculty FellowshipNomination for AY due to Associate Dean for Faculty Advancement
    • College HR sends out reminder that sabbatical leave reports are due April 1
    • College HR sends out reminder to new staff for CEAS New Employee Orientation
    • College HR contacts department/unit leadership to nominate Employee Recognition Award for assigned month
    • Approve MyLeave timesheets by the 10th of the month for staff and research
    • Approve MyLeave timesheets bi-weekly for student and temporary roles


        • Early March: CEAS HR hosts CEAS New Employee Orientation for staff employees
        • March 15:Faculty Performance Ratings due toAssociate Dean of Faculty Advancement
        • March 15: Chairs report names of people receiving a rating of "below expectations" or “unsatisfactory” to Associate Dean of Faculty Advancement
        • March 20:CEAS to forward Faculty Affairs solicitation and eligibility list for Provost’s Faculty Achievement Awards to Chairs and Directors, due to CEAS Associate Dean of Faculty Advancement by May 1, due to Provost by June 1
        • Faculty Merit Evaluation Forms will be returned from the college. Have Chair sign and distribute via DocuSign.
        • Requests for tenure track recruiting needs for next AY due to Dean
        • CEAS HR sends out reminder that sabbatical leave reports are due April 1
        • CEAS HR sends a PTR report reminder (due May 1)
        • CEAS HR sends out summer adjunct/lecturer template and term dates
        • CEAS HR contacts department/unit leadership to nominate Employee Recognition Award for assigned month
        • Approve MyLeave timesheets by the 10th of the month for staff and research
        • Approve MyLeave timesheets bi-weekly for student and temporary roles


            • April 1: Sabbatical Leave Reports due for previous fall semester sabbaticals & CY to CEAS HR
            • April 15: Summer adjunct/lecturer & faculty additional job offer letters due to CEAS HR
            • April 15: Hire-with-tenure dossiers for candidates who do not hold tenure elsewhere due to the Office of Faculty Affairs
            • April 15:Differentiated workload applications for instructional faculty due to CEAS HR for spring of the subsequent academic year
            • First batch of sabbatical applications that have been approved by Board of Regents is sent to units as part of the April Regent Report of Personnel Actions (not all sabbaticals will be approved during this batch)
            • First Friday in April:Faculty Merit Evaluation Forms due to CEASHR via DocuSign
            • On quarterly basisensure required trainings completed for unit: Discrimination & Sexual Misconduct, Information Security & Privacy Awareness, and Fiscal Code of Ethics
            • Departments should be completing all retention offers, if applicable
            • CEAS HR welcomes new staff members at the New Employee Orientation. This orientation takes place roughly on a quarterly basis but the specific date may vary depending on fluctuations in hiring and presenter availability.
            • CEAS HR sends a PTR report reminder (due May 1)
            • CEAS ensures all instructor reappointment contracts have been completed
            • CEAS HR contacts department/unit leadership to nominate Employee Recognition Award for assigned month
            • Approve MyLeave timesheets by the 10th of the month for staff and research
            • Approve MyLeave timesheets bi-weekly for student and temporary roles


                • May 1: Post Tenure Review reports due to CEAS HR
                • May 15: Hire-with-tenure dossiers for candidates who hold tenure elsewhere due to the Office of Faculty Affairs
                • Ensure all Scholars in Residence are put on short work break (SWB) for summer if not on 9-Pay-12
                • Units inform Campus Human Resource Service Center (HRSC) & CEAS HR of faculty retirements, resignations, leaves, etc.
                • Units inform Campus HRSC & CEAS HR of student terminations, end of semester appointments, short work breaks, etc.
                • Units drafts Associate Chair offer letters and submits to CEAS HR
                • Units finalize workload spreadsheet, summer salary
                • CEAS HR sends out reminder that the University Staff and Classified Staff performance cycle ends in June, send out evaluation timeline and process communication (the cycle is July 1 to June 30)
                • CEAS HR processes named positions, endowments, and leadership letters starting July 1
                • CEAS HR sends out reminder to new staff for CEAS New Employee Orientation
                • CEAS HRinforms units of staff milestone anniversaries for semester
                • CEAS HR contacts department/unit leadership to nominate Employee Recognition Award for assigned month
                • Approve MyLeave timesheets by the 10th of the month for staff and research
                • Approve MyLeave timesheets bi-weekly for student and temporary roles


                    • June 1:CEAS nominations and Dean’s letters for Provost’s Faculty Achievement Awards due to Provost
                    • Early June: CEAS HR hosts CEAS New Employee Orientation for staff employees
                    • June 30:University Staff & Classified Staff performance evaluation cycle ends
                    • June 30:Faculty Recruitment report due to the Provost - submitted by CEAS HR
                    • June 30: AY Search Summary &Recruitment Plan proposals due to Provost - submitted by CEAS HR
                    • June 30:Post Tenure Review report due to OFA - submitted by CEAS HR
                    • Faculty 9 pay 12 election forms due to HRSC if applicable
                    • Second batch of sabbatical applications that have been approved by Board of Regents is sent to units as part of the April Regent Report of Personnel Actions (all remaining sabbaticals approved during this batch)
                    • Search Committees need to close AY faculty recruitment job postings and instructional postings
                    • Units need to submit Associate Chair appointments to HRSC
                    • CEAS Finance Team works with HRSC to enter all Chair / Director/ Endowed Chair Pay
                    • CEAS HR sends out fall adjunct/lecturer template and term dates
                    • CEAS HR contacts department/unit leadership to nominate Employee Recognition Award for assigned month
                    • Approve MyLeave timesheets by the 10th of the month for staff and research
                    • Approve MyLeave timesheets bi-weekly for student and temporary roles


                        • July 1:All chair/director Fiscal Year appointments begin
                        • July 15: Fall adjunct/lecturer & faculty additional job appointment letters due to CEAS HR
                        • University Staff annual performance evaluation cycle begins (July 1 – June 30)
                        • Prepare New Faculty Orientation materials for new faculty startingin the fall
                        • Unit to send HRSC list of faculty on fall sabbatical or leaves for entry
                        • On quarterly basisensure required trainings completed for unit: Discrimination & Sexual Misconduct, Information Security & Privacy Awareness, and Fiscal Code of Ethics
                        • Dean & Associate Dean of Faculty Advancement select First Level Review Committee (FLRC) members
                        • Letters sent out by Associate Dean of Faculty Advancement to faculty rated at Below Expectations or Unsatisfactory on their annual merit review
                        • Research faculty annual performance evaluation cycle info will be sent out from Campus HR
                        • CEAS HR welcomes new staff members at the New Employee Orientation. This orientation takes place roughly on a quarterly basis but the specific date may vary depending on fluctuations in hiring and presenter availability.
                        • CEAS HR contacts department/unit leadership to nominate Employee Recognition Award for assigned month
                        • CEAS HR and unit processes change in supervisor changes with the HRSC for applicable staff reporting to a new chair/director
                        • Approve MyLeave timesheets by the 10th of the month for staff and research
                        • Approve MyLeave timesheets bi-weekly for student and temporary roles


                            • August 1:Fall temporary offer letters should completed
                            • Third Week:New Faculty Orientation Week
                              • Monday of Third WeekCampus New FacultyOrientation
                              • Wednesday of Third WeekCEAS New Faculty Orientation
                            • Third Friday in August:University Staff evaluations due to Dean's Office (
                            • Units set up all new faculty appointments tenured, tenure-track, instructional, adjuncts, etc.
                            • Units set up all new student, TA, etc. appointments
                            • Units work with HRSC to ensure faculty promotions are entered into HCM
                            • Ensure directory/website is updated with new employees
                            • Finalize New Faculty Orientation materials for new faculty starting in fall
                            • Welcome and onboard all new faculty
                            • Ensure directory/website updated with new employees
                            • Research faculty annual performance evaluations due to Campus HR
                            • Ensure all Scholar-in-Residence salaries are entered into HCM (i.e., Employee job code1442- appointed on multi-year contracts like instructors) with the HRSC
                            • Hiring plans and reporting approved by Provost in early August
                            • Units notified by CEAS HR to start faculty recruitment for next Academic Year, search plan checklist and advertisement
                            • CEAS hosts search committee training (Avature, Implicit Bias)
                            • CEAS completes Recruitment Authorization Forms
                            • CEAS HR notifies Chairs of mandatory comprehensive review andpromotion & tenure cases due in the current academic year
                            • CEAS to coordinate FLRC training, meetings and logistics with theChair of FLRC Committee
                            • CEAS informs units of staff milestone anniversaries for fall semester
                            • CEAS HR send list of faculty sabbatical reports due November 1
                            • Approve MyLeave timesheets by the 10th of the month for staff and research
                            • Approve MyLeave timesheets bi-weekly for student and temporary roles


                                • September 15:Faculty Salary Equity Appeals due to Department Chair
                                • September 15:Aim to have postings live for faculty recruitments
                                • September 20:Development Plans due from faculty subject to extensive review
                                • September 23*:Faculty comprehensive review dossiers due to CEAS HR (Faculty Advancement)
                                • September 30:Professional Improvement Plans due for those faculty receiving a rating of below expectations
                                • CEAS HR to remind chairs of due dates for Reappointment, Promotion & Tenure cases
                                • CEAS HR sends out reminder to new staff for CEAS New Employee Orientation
                                • CEAS HR hosts search committee diversity training
                                • CEAS HR contacts department/unit leadership to nominate Employee Recognition Award for assigned month
                                • Approve MyLeave timesheets by the 10th of the month for staff and research
                                • Approve MyLeave timesheets bi-weekly for student and temporary roles


                                    • October 1:Research faculty annual performance evaluation cycle begins on non-general funds (October 1 to September 30)
                                    • October 1:Research faculty employee merit increases are effective on non-general funds
                                    • October 1:Call for nominations for CEAS awards: Charles A. Hutchinson Memorial Teaching Award, Max S. Peters Faculty Service Award, CEAS Faculty Research Award, CEAS Outstanding Staff Award, and Textbook Recognition Award, due November 1.
                                    • Early October: CEAS HR hosts CEAS New Employee Orientation for staff employees
                                    • October 30:Faculty Conflict of Interest reports due
                                    • October 30:Faculty Professional Improvement Plans due if rating of "below expectations" was appealed
                                    • October 30*:Faculty promotion to associate professor & tenure dossiers due to CEAS HR (Faculty Advancement)
                                    • Call for Distinguished Professor nominations from Provost’s office
                                    • Call for Teaching Professor nominations from Associate Dean Faculty Advancement (due the last Friday of January)
                                    • On quarterly basisensure required trainings completed for unit: Discrimination & Sexual Misconduct, Information Security & Privacy Awareness, and Fiscal Code of Ethics
                                    • CEAS HR welcomes new staff members at the New Employee Orientation. This orientation takes place roughly on a quarterly basis but the specific date may vary depending on fluctuations in hiring and presenter availability.
                                    • CEAS HR sends out spring adjunct/lecturer template and term dates
                                    • CEAS HR to remind units of faculty sabbatical reports due at the end of the semester (due November 1)
                                    • CEAS HR to notify primary units about which Instructor Track and SIR faculty will need to be reappointed
                                    • CEAS HR to notify primary units about which faculty will have a Post Tenure Review this AY (due May 1)
                                    • CEAS HR contacts department/unit leadership to nominate Employee Recognition Award for assigned month
                                    • Approve MyLeave timesheets by the 10th of the month for staff and research
                                    • Approve MyLeave timesheets bi-weekly for student and temporary roles


                                        • November 1: Sabbatical Leave Reports due for previous spring semester or AY sabbaticals
                                        • November 1: Nominations for CEAS Faculty, Staff, and Textbook awards due to Associate Dean of Faculty Advancement
                                        • November 15:CEAS HR submits faculty annual college sabbatical report due to the Provost
                                        • November 15: Associate Dean of Faculty Advancement announces nomination process for Dean's Faculty Fellowships (applications due February 20)
                                        • Faculty Evaluation of salary equity due from units to Dean
                                        • Units inform HRSC and CEAS HRof faculty retirements, resignations, leaves, sabbaticals, etc. for entry
                                        • CEAS HR sends out reminder to new staff for CEAS New Employee Orientation
                                        • CEAS HR contacts department/unit leadership to nominate Employee Recognition Award for assigned month
                                        • Approve MyLeave timesheets by the 10th of the month for staff and research
                                        • Approve MyLeave timesheets bi-weekly for student and temporary roles


                                            • December 1:Spring temporary offer letters should completed
                                            • December 6*: Promotion to full dossiers due to CEAS HR (Faculty Advancement)
                                            • December 10:Spring adjunct/lecturer & faculty additional job appointment letters due to CEAS HR
                                            • December 15: Differentiated workload applications for instructional faculty due to CEAS HR for fallof the subsequent academic year
                                            • Mid-December: CEAS HR hosts CEAS New Employee Orientation for staff employees
                                            • December 31:Faculty annual performance evaluation cycle ends
                                            • Units inform HRSCof student terminations, end-of-semester appointments
                                            • By the end of the semester instructor reappointments should be completed ideally; February 28 is the absolute deadline
                                            • CEAS HR contacts department/unit leadership to nominate Employee Recognition Award for assigned month
                                            • Approve MyLeave timesheets by the 10th of the month for staff and research
                                            • Approve MyLeave timesheets bi-weekly for student and temporary roles

                                            * Please note that these dates change annually