
You're Valued

We value each and every one of our supporters;without you our work would not be possible.Thank you for believing in our cause and in the future of education.Many alumni, faculty, staff, and friends have led the way with significant contributions that enabled the school tohave a tremendous impact, educating the next generationand keeping access and opportunity alive.Your collaboration, partnership, and passion are why we work hard each year for more successes.

Why Give?

If you're not a current supporter, feel free to explore the many ways you can give to the School of Education.Making a gift should never be difficult, in fact it should bring you joy.As a donor, you are able to choose which type of giving is easiest, most meaningful, and, has the desired effect. No matter the size or the frequency, each contribution we receive has a significant impact on our school. Below, hear why supporting the school makes a valuable impact on our donors, too.

Why support the School of Education?

“We not only support the School of Education because of our strong personal connection through Phil’s leadership as Dean and his professorship in the school, but we also deeply believe in the important work that is being done to impact the future of education through research, partnerships, and outreach in our community. We are proud to support such a worthy cause”.
- Chancellor, CU Boulder
In a time when there are many worthy organizations competing forfinancial support, I’ve chosen to support the School of Education not only because I am a faculty member and an alum, but also because there is little more important for the future of Colorado and the nation than preparing the best educators and scholars to champion public education.
– Professor&PhD Alumna (1999)
Education has always been important to us. I remember learning that the School of Education has some of the lowest paid faculty at CU. That finding bothered us a great deal and we felt we had to try to do something about it. And so,our first effort was endowing a chair at the school. Our continuing effort is to try to build awareness of the great work being done thereand to raise money to retain and attract the very best faculty available.
– Bob Charles, Board Member & Judy Charles, BA (1959)
As a teacher myself, supporting new educatorsis veryimportant to me. I enjoy giving to theSchool of Education because I know they prepare outstanding and highly qualified teachers.
– Board Member, MA Alumnus (2000)

Support our school

They always say it’s what’s inside that counts, and we agree. This a very exciting time inside the School of Education, with many new initiatives underway—from new degree programs to expanded community partnerships. As we embark on these innovations, we are also proud to announce our classrooms and gathering spaces are being reimagined as we have renovated acampus building as our new home forthe School of Education, and we invite you to be involved.

These much-needed renovations will help our classrooms and facilitiesbetter match and better support the advances happening in teaching and learning within and well beyond our walls. Our goal is to be the place that attracts and supports the best undergraduate and graduate students and provides them unparalleled education opportunities. Embracing this bold agenda requires strong leadership and the advocacy and partnership of alumni, parents, and friends like you.

Contact Us

Charitable gifts are investments in the futureand show the desire to make the School of Education an outstanding place to supportteachers of today and tomorrow.

For ways to help, please contact Micah Abram.

Ways to Give


Make a gift to the School of Education by selecting your area of interest from our online giving portal,

By Phone

Call Micah Abramat 303-492-8554

By Check

Make your check out to the"CU Foundation" with the name of the fund in the memo box and send to the following address. If you have no fund in particular in mind, you can leave the memo space blank or choose a fund from our Areas of Highest Needor ourGiving Opportunities page for a list of all available funds to support!

  • School of Education
  • Attn: Micah Abram
  • 249 UCB
  • Boulder, CO 80309

Designate your gift to the area that matters the most to you by leaving a lasting legacy at the School of Education. Making a gift in your will or living trust allows donors to make larger gifts than they otherwise might be able to give from their income alone. Learn about the many benefits of planned giving, such as life-long income and tax benefits that can better provide for your heirs by minimizing impact on your estate. For more information visit the or contact Micah Abram.

Gifts made in memory or in honor of a family member, teacher, student, or friend are generous and thoughtful ways to remember a person's life and accomplishments.You can specify this when giving online or you can mention it to a member of our Advancement team when arranging to make a gift with their assistance.

Many employers allow tax-deductible giving through payroll deductions! Additionally, if you or your spouse are employed by a company that provides a matching gift program, your contribution to the School of Education could be significantly increased. Check with your employer to see if you qualify.

You can choose to support the School of Education in many other ways like donating property, stocks, bonds, real estate, or gifts-in-kind. Contact ourAssistant Dean for Advancement,Micah Abramfor more information.

Donor Impact Report

$ 10.3 million

total endowment value

61 %

of donors returned to give again this year.

Most loyal

donorsthan any other group on campus.


annual scholarships to students. Up from just 5 scholarships in 1993.

Alumni & Giving News