Internship Supervision Info

Ѱ䲹 is available for classroom visits to teach students about searching for internships and jobs on the extensive online database and offering tips regarding resume and cover letter writing, job interviews, social media use and portfolios.

After securing a for-credit internship, students will seek out a faculty supervisor and list them on Handshake, CU's internships online platform. The CMCI Internships Coordinator will review, then launch the four-step internship approval process. As supervising faculty, you are step one. Your prompt approval is appreciated.

Tip: Use Chrome as your browser – this works best with Handshake!

    • Student secures internship with help from the CMCI Career and InternshipsOffice
    • Student meets with faculty supervisor to obtain approval
    • Student reports internship online, initiating the approval process
    • CMCI's assistant director for advising, internships, and student professional developmentprocesses the report, and approval emails are sent to:
      • Faculty supervisor
      • Internship site supervisor
      • Student
      • Brandi Reyes
    • Once approved, student is notified and can see internship credit on degree audit. (In summer, students must pay for credit through Continuing Education before credit will appear on degree audit. 鶹Ժ will receive payment instructions.)

    Note: The online learning plan is part of the internship approval process and is visible to students, faculty and employer supervisors and the Internships Coordinator.

    Internship Approval

    • You will receive an email from Handshake with a link to view and approve the student internship.
      • Note: Do not attempt to log into Handshake any other way: just click on the link sent to you via email. Logging in will prevent you from taking the desired action of approving.
    • Click on the blue “Review Experience Request” link, then click on the “Your Survey” button on the leftside to view student internship details, including internship description, educational objectives, learning activities, self-evaluations and career aptitude fields.
    • Submit answers outlining your academic requirements (you can choose from a drop-down menu and/or write in your own requirements). 鶹Ժ will be prompted to review/agree to these assignments/expectations.
    • If needed, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the blue buttons to advance to next page of details.
    • Click on the blue “Your Response” button.
    • Hit the Approve or Decline button (Your additions to the student learning plan will remain visible on Handshake, so students can refer to them at any time. Please do keep in touch with the student throughout the semester or summer.)
    • Ifyou don'twish to approve, for any reason, enter your reason and decline to approve. Your reason will go to the CMCI Career and InternshipsOffice, which will work with the student to make necessary changes. You would then receive an updated approval request in an email from Handshake.
      • Log into
        • Note: Ifyou only see a student log in button when clicking on that link,look for the "log in with your email address" prompt under the student log in button, and log in withyour email).
      • Click on Experiences on the left-hand toolbar
      • Click on “All” on the top toolbar
      • Go to “Assigned To” and filter by your name (you can type your name directly into this field) and “Term” (the semester or summer we are currently in), if needed. You will see a list of students you are supervising
      • Click on the student’s name to view the evaluation
      • Click on “Midterm Evaluation” or “Final Evaluation” near the top, depending on which evaluation you want to view
      • Click on the Employer/Work Supervisor evaluation (if no evaluation has been submitted, it will say “No responses submitted”)
      • The internship office does send out regularly-scheduled evaluation reminders at midterm and finals time. However, feel free to reach out to the student and/or to CMCI Internshipsif you’d like the employer to be reminded to submit the evaluation
      • Repeat this process for each student you are supervising

      Having trouble logging into Handshake?

      1. Visit
      2. Enter your email in the Employers & Career Centers box
      3. Click Next
      4. Click Alumni/Staff/Faculty Login
      5. Enter your password
      6. If you have forgotten your password, please follow the steps after clicking "Forgot your password?"

      Faculty are sometimes contacted by employers seeking interns. This article,, by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), will help you navigate requests, ensuring that you act without bias, ensure equitable access, comply with applicable local, state and federal laws, and protect the confidentiality of students’ career and recruitment-related information.

      Employers may be directed to Jacob Paul Jedamus-Denufor help posting on our online internships and careersboard.

      Internship Deadlines

      All internships must be reported on Handshake by the deadline as shown on the CMCI Career Serviceswebsite.

      COMM students will be required to follow the internship syllabus, which includes required readings, a reflection paper, etc. The internship faculty supervisor will notify students of this requirement in the online learning plan by checking the appropriate boxes.