

The Planning Committee of the 2025ÌýColorado WASH Symposium is excited to announce that theÌýSymposium will be aÌýhybrid event heldÌýonÌýMarch 13th & 14th, 2025.Ìý

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2025ÌýSymposium Theme - Resilience, Sustainability and Equity in WASH

  • Policy
  • Neo-colonialism/anti-racism
  • Development-Humanitarian Nexus
  • Targeting vulnerable groups and hard to reach areas
  • Innovative and/or alternative treatment solutions
  • Systems strengthening
  • Service delivery and financing mechanisms
  • Operations, maintenance and evaluation
  • Remote sensing and data science
  • Environmental justice
  • Influence of and adaptation to climate change
  • Global conflict and emergencies
  • Contaminants of concernÌý


(i) Bring experts in the WASH sector as speakersÌýto highlight promising global approaches to selected topics

(ii) Feature exciting, recent work in the WASH sector of students, professors, researchers, development practitioners and social entrepreneurs from Colorado


The intent of the Colorado WASH Symposium is to provide a platform for sharing and expanding collective knowledge in the field of water, sanitation, and hygiene in both domestic and international contexts. The symposium brings together leaders and WASH practitioners in social enterprises, the private sector, NGOs, academia, and development agencies. The Colorado WASH Symposium is deliberately small and intimate - designed around in-depth conversations and unrushed sessions where each individual’s contribution is valued.

Inclusion and Accessibility

The University of Colorado Boulder is committed to providing equal access to individuals with disabilities. If you are planning to attend this event and require accommodations, please contact washsymposium@colorado.eduÌýno later than 7 days before the event. We will make all reasonable efforts to fulfill requests submitted after the deadline.

Colorado WASH Symposium:ÌýA Brief History

In 2012, a small interdisciplinary group of students interested in issues in the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector applied for a small Engineering Excellence Fund grant to support a panel discussion on WASH. With their enthusiasm, the panel discussion grew to a two-day symposium with speakers from the World Bank, FHI 360, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and aÌýhost of local businesses and NGOs engaged in WASH activities. The event attracted over 140 participants, from different backgrounds and disciplines, and fostered provocative debate and collaboration between important players within the WASH sector.Ìý

The WASH Symposium is stillÌýcoordinated by studentsÌýat CU-Boulder, and continues to grow in popularity with WASH professionals from around the world.Ìý

Special Thanks

We are grateful to all of our sponsors for helping to put on this special event. However, we would like to give special recognition to the Engineering Excellence Fund,ÌýMortenson Center in Global Engineering and Resilience, and the Environmental Engineering Program. This event is only possible due to their continuedÌýgenerosity and belief in the visionÌýof ourÌýstudents.Ìý

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