A new study of post-glacial environments upends previous ecological assumptions and could expand scientists’ understanding of the limits to life on Earth.
Intro-to-biology textbook images are changing because of her work. Now, Gia Voeltz joins the ranks of researchers named Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigators, an honor that comes with $8 million to take her research wherever it may lead.
A new study could open the door for developing new treatments for night-shift workers and students pulling all-nighters, and enable doctors to precisely time administration of drugs and tests around the circadian clock.
CU Boulder’s Brian Jernigan is working to bring science learning to students who can’t come to class in person: young patients in pediatric hospitals.
As couples mature together, they often grow apart in their level of skill in handling their finances based on which partner takes on more financial responsibility.
Cheap natural gas prices and the increasing availability of wind energy are pummeling the coal industry more than regulation, according to an analysis from CU Boulder and North Carolina State University.