Figuring out whether to celebrate holidays, and how, is tricky for lots of interfaith families—but thoughtful communication makes a difference. Assistant Professor Samira Mehta shares on The Conversation.
Which planets beyond our solar system are most likely to host life? By extrapolating the current scientific understanding of Mars, a multi-disciplinary team, including researchers from LASP, is helping identify alien planets that may be habitable.
On behalf of the Graduate School and CU Boulder, thank you for your contributions to our campus community and heartfelt congratulations on your new degree.
Please accept my sincerest congratulations on your graduation from CU Boulder. Thank you for your contributions to our campus community, and I wish you the best of luck.
COVID-19 will be top of mind for Laura-Elena Porras-Holguin when she graduates. The virus deeply impacted her family but also motivated her to finish her senior thesis and solidified her desire to pursue a master’s degree in public health.
The College of Music’s Outstanding Graduating Senior Award goes to Ariel Flach, dual music education and flute performance major. Flach personifies the college’s vision of the “universal musician,” emphasizing students’ preparedness for flexible careers.
Sea ice is thinning at an alarming rate. Snow is shifting to rain. And humans worldwide are increasingly feeling the impact of what happens in the seemingly distant Arctic. NSIDC and CIRES scientists share on The Conversation.