New association created for CU Boulder retired faculty
Retired faculty and soon-to-be retired faculty are invited to join the newly-created CU Boulder Retired Faculty Association, an organization whose aim is to encourage retired faculty members to remain actively involved in academic, educational, scholarly and cultural activities on campus. The association will be supported and funded by the Office of the Chancellor, the Office of the Provostand the Office of Faculty Affairs.
“Our retired faculty have given so much to CU Boulder,” said Michele Moses, vice provost and associate vice chancellor for faculty affairs. “We couldn’t be more excited to have an official organization that encourages them to stay engaged in all sorts of academic and cultural programs on campus.”
The CU Boulder Retired Faculty Association will offer opportunities for retired faculty to continue to participate in campus-based academic life and encourage lifelong learning by providing access to campus seminars, classes, performances and exhibits. The association’s close alliance with the Boulder Faculty Assembly and the Office of Faculty Affairs serves to achieve these ends, in addition to preparing active faculty for retirementand celebrating the accomplishments of retired faculty and their contributions to the Boulder campus.
“I’d like to thank David Kassoy for his countless hours, dedication and hard work in getting our retired faculty association launched on the Boulder campus,” said Provost Russ Moore. The new CU Boulder Retired Faculty Association is one way to honor faculty’s contributions to our campus community over the course of their careers.
Kassoy is a retired mechanical engineering professor and the current president of CURFA, the CU system retirement organization, which is open to faculty retirees on all four CU campuses and supported by the Office of the President. The CU Boulder Retired Faculty Association is separate and distinct from CURFA.
“The CU Boulder Retired Faculty Association welcomes members from all categories of retired and soon-to-be retired CU faculty, their spouses and domestic partners, and members of the Boulder community with an interest in participating in the association’s activities and programming,” said Kassoy.
Details about the organizational structure, nominations for officers and responsibilities of the executive committee will be announced during the 2020 spring semester. For more information, email the Office of Faculty Affairs.