Summer 2025 Work-Study IncreaseYou must have JavaScript enabled to use this form.Indicates required field Student Name:Student ID #:DO NOT USE STUDENT SOCIAL SECURITY # FOR IDStudent HCM Employee ID #:Student CU Email Address:Employer (Dept/Org):Department/Organization #:Find department organization name linkTo find your department or organization number, visit the Campus Controller's website and click the 'org tree' link. An excel file will open.Supervisor Name:Supervisor Phone #:Supervisor Email:Current Work-Study Award Amount:Additional Work-Study Funds RequestedTotal Desired Summer Work-Study Award (current + additional requested):Expected Summer SavingsIn some cases, we can give students more work-study in summer than they're technically eligible for using something called Expected Summer Savings. In these cases, we pull from next year's eligibility and allow you to earn it during the summer instead. The "Expected Summer Savings" shows up as aid already paid to you on next year's award list. Contact Student Employment if you have questions about Expected Summer Savings.