Dear Campus Staff,
We want to take a moment to introduce ourselves, connect with you, and begin conversations for the year ahead as your newly elected co-chairs of Boulder Campus Staff Council. Our desire to serve as your council leadership is rooted in our passion to ensure that CU staff are heard and engaged in the spaces where change is a constant.
Particularly, we want to ensure that Staff Council stands with efforts to eradicate acts of racism against our Black communities at CU Boulder. We support efforts to enhance an inclusive culture and we firmly believe that #BlackLivesMatter. Recent events, both nationally and more locally, impact this campus, our community, and Colorado in unprecedented ways. Our commitment to building a stronger and more inclusive Buff community at this place we love to work is unwavering; we pledge to serve all and commit to exploring ways to achieve these goals that will bring about real and lasting change.
As your chairs, it is important for you to know we stand ready to connect and build upon the relationships and spaces of our previous chairs, and to maintain an open dialogue with campus leadership, fellow councils, and you on the work we are doing to serve staff. To understand where we will be placing considerable effort and time, we have broken down our commitments to three areas that will address priorities for the upcoming year.
1. Inclusive Excellence 鈥� this past year, Staff Council voted to bring on its seventh standing committee, the Inclusive Excellence Committee, to serve all communities on this campus more effectively. We have seen considerable effort from our executive committee to acknowledge and address the various ways this campus, our staff, and our work can better address issues of diversity and inclusion.
2. Strengthen Staff Community - Many staff have been impacted by furloughs or layoffs. We recognize the fear, frustration and financial hardship this may cause in your personal and professional lives. We have seen this impact on the council as well. It is our priority to ensure transparency exists between leadership and staff, and fight for these cuts to be temporary and as short as possible.
3. Your Voice Matters - The opportunity to serve as your elected chairs includes a weighty responsibility. We feel great pride at being given the opportunity to share your thoughts, opinions and ideas with campus leadership. We believe you are an active voice in that space and want you to know we are here to listen. We have a variety of ways for you to connect with us and to share with us your experiences in this time. While our council represents a variety of functional areas across campus, it does not mean it reflects everyone鈥檚 role and experience. This next year, please know that our council is here to listen and engage with you.
This year will present a variety of challenges. It will require us to lean in and connect now more than ever in this digital age. We are in this together and every effort we undertake is rooted in the belief that more can be done to serve the staff of CU Boulder. Together, we will build an even stronger place to work and serve. Please feel free to reach out to us throughout the year as needed.
In Solidarity,
Shelby Javernick, Chris Muldrow, and Dylan West
Co-Chairs, Boulder Campus Staff Council 2020-2021
We want to take a moment to introduce ourselves, connect with you, and begin conversations for the year ahead as your newly elected co-chairs of Boulder Campus Staff Council.
The Boulder Campus Staff Council April 8, 2020 meeting yielded a robust discussion of the diverse views of our community as brought forth by our representative body. The Resolution was voted on, and approved by, the majority of the Council.
If you would like to be added as a signatory, please fill out this form:
CU Boulder Staff Council Resolution 2020-01: COVID-19 Response
Authors: John Kelly 鈥� NCWIT, Vanessa Luna 鈥� Computer Science, Heather Martin 鈥� Law School Staff, Deborah Prestianni 鈥� College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Ronald Richter 鈥� UMC Operations, Barry Sparks 鈥� Facilities Management
Signatories: Jasimine Evans, John Kelly, Vanessa Luna, Meghan Perea, Deborah Prestianni, Ron Richter, Hannah Simonson, Alan Slinkard, Barry Sparks
Guided by organization bylaws, Boulder Campus Staff Council (BCSC) advocates for the needs of Staff on the Boulder Campus;
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Colorado are experiencing an unprecedented disruption of their expectations and routines;
Whereas the BCSC wishes to acknowledge the decisive and prompt actions of university leadership to cancel in-person, on-campus events with a projected reopening date of no sooner than July 31, 2020;
Whereas BCSC acknowledges the necessity of prioritizing the needs of the student and faculty population during the process of creating safe new learning platforms and arranging for the physical safety and well-being of those populations;
Whereas the staff population has been left with essentially three options: work from home, stay off-campus and be paid Administrative Leave, or continue to work on campus in a critical service role;
Boulder Campus Staff Council,
Resolves to meaningfully engage in the conversation with CU Boulder administration, in partnership with University of Colorado Staff Council (UCSC) and the greater CU community;
Emphasizes that all staff currently required to perform their duties on campus continue to have access to:
Resolves to strongly request that the provisions of Classified Staff Layoff Plan be extended to all university staff and contract employees who fulfill the role of a permanent employee to ensure that in the event of any layoff, each department and unit must submit a plan to Human Resources and Employee Relations that includes:
Whereas, BCSC calls upon CU leadership to provide open transparency on any potential layoffs, furloughs, or reduction in hours as well as detailed financial and operational changes that impact departments and units;
Whereas, BCSC draws attention to the significant health and financial risk that frontline employees are currently under and the need for them to have priority access to COVID-19 testing and treatment;
Whereas, BCSC invites CU leadership to continue to provide an updated stream of information for non-essential staff on timelines, impacted work-flow, and financial resources;
Resolved that all staff to continue to receive necessary information on the current status of COVID-19, their safety, and any further actions made by the administration that would directly impact staff in a timely manner.
Resolution passed by the Boulder Campus Staff Council on the 8th day of April, 2020.
Deborah Prestianni, Co-Chair
Heather Martin, Co-Chair
John Kelly, Co-Chair
The Boulder Campus Staff Council April 8, 2020 meeting yielded a robust discussion of the diverse views of our community as brought forth by our representative body. The Resolution was voted on, and approved by, the majority of the Council.