Welcome to the SITAR!

SITAR stands for "Student Interactivity and Teaching Activity Report". The SITAR is a teaching observational tool enabling data collection and visualization about lesson structures, instructor activities, student on task behavior, and student interactivity. SITAR's data collection categories are most suited for moderate-to-large sized science classes which blend periods of lecture and active learning. It is editable, customizable, and visualizes data automatically in multiple ways. The SITAR has been "descended with modification" from previously published instruments including the RTOP, TDOP, COPUS, and Student Engagement Protocol.

Intended uses: The SITAR was developed for faculty to formatively assess their teaching and inform curricular revision. SITAR has not been optimized for use in formal teaching evaluations. It is not intended to be used for cross-comparison of courses or instructors. Interrater reliability has not been established for data entry sections B and C. However, longitudinal data from SITARs has been used to support narrative statements about the growth of teachers towards their own teaching goals, over time.

Fair Use and Attribution: The SITAR was iteratively developed with support from the University of Colorado Science Education Initiative. It is protected by a Creative Commons License. This tool has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal. If you have questions about using or citing the SITAR, or publishing about a version of the SITAR that you have modified, please contact

To get started using the SITAR, download the Excel file below, then start by reading the “Data Entry Guide”.