Regular and Substantive Requirements in Distance Education
Effective Date: July 1, 2021
For courses and programs offered via distance education in which students may be eligible to use Title IV funds (federal financial aid), the Department of Education (ED) requires that institutions like the University of Colorado Boulder are able to confirm and document that there is regular and substantive interaction between students and their instructors.
This page aims to help faculty and staff understand this requirement and associated regulations, apprise them of the difference between distance and correspondence education, and offer guidance and suggestions for creating and offering opportunities for regular and substantive interaction in the digital classroom.
Distance Education
Distance education is, according to the ED, education that uses one or more technologies to deliver instruction to students who are physically separated from the instructor and to support regular and substantive interaction between the students and the instructor, either synchronously or asynchronously.
Not all education that takes place in a digital environment (e.g., online) is considered distance education—the level of interaction and who initiates the interaction matter greatly. An important distinction is, according to the ED, that a course or program that can be described as “self-paced” is considered to be correspondence education, regardless of the technology used.
For the university and our students, it is important to know the difference between “distance” and “correspondence” modalities when creating or delivering courses and programs. The core feature that distinguishes a distance course from a correspondence course is the presence of regular and substantive interaction.
While CU Boulder is recognized by our accreditor as an institution that offers/delivers correspondence courses and programs, those courses and programs are not Title IV aid eligible. If the university is found to have given aid to students for what is actually a correspondence course, sanctions could be imposed by the ED including fines and the requirement to repay the misused federal financial aid.
Strategies for Implementation
Strategies and ideas for incorporating regular and substantive interaction requirements in your digital classroom are described below.
To meet regular and substantive interaction requirements, interactions must be:
- Initiated by the instructor
- Frequent and consistent
- Focused on the course
When designing your course and/or writing your syllabus, please keep the following in mind to ensure incorporation of regular and substantive interactions in your digital classroom:
- Design your course to include strategic points of, and regular opportunities for, interaction with the student.
- Ensure that the pace of the course, including deadlines, is directed by the instructor and set through use of learning activities, online discussion, and lectures. That is, are assignments and assessment deadlines spread throughout the term of the class, instead of at students’ discretion?
- Regardless of the method (synchronous or asynchronous), have a course schedule that includes written assignment due dates, exam dates, readings, and other assignments as relevant. Ensure that there are predictable opportunities for feedback throughout the semester.
- Develop a communication plan to help guide and manage your interactions. For example, how often will you post conversation starters for and communicate with students in the learning management system?
- Have you set clear expectations for interactions? Let students know what is expected from them and what they can expect from you as the instructor.
- Regular and substantive interaction must occur between students and the instructor of record. This may be supplemented, but not replaced, by interactions between students and other teaching personnel who are supporting the course (e.g. teaching assistants, learning assistants, course facilitators, graders).
- Are there multiple components in the course (e.g. lecture and a lab, experiential learning outside of the “classroom”)? How can these provide an opportunity to articulate various ways that interaction happens between you and the student.
- Is the course on a predictable schedule? What piece(s) meet and how often?
- What other kinds of opportunities for engagement are happening in the course (assessment, tutoring, answering questions)?
- Student-to-student learning is important, but how do you facilitate or guide these conversations and associated learning?
- How will you monitor the academic engagement of the students? How will you intervene when students are not succeeding in the course?
- Are there tools you could use (e.g. the learning management system) that can aid the learning environment and make assessment, documentation, and interactions easy?
Examples of Interactions
Examples of regular and substantive interactions include, but are not limited to the following:
- Regularly scheduled learning sessions where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the student and the instructor.
- Regular, timely, personalized, and constructive feedback on assignments, discussions, etc., that guides students to further knowledge and/or skills, identifying what has been done correctly or what may need improvement.
- An instructor-moderated or facilitated online discussion, including follow-up questions and additional information.
- Instructor posts announcements, email, or other check-ins about academic aspects of the class.
- Regularly set office hours initiated by the instructor.
- An overview video, provided by the instructor, to accompany lectures.
- Additional interaction opportunities for students whom the instructor has identified (through observation of discussion activity, assessment completion, or user activity) as possibly struggling to reach mastery of the course. Use of small working or study groups that are moderated by the instructor.
- Instructor announcements at strategic points in the course concerning courseĚýassignments and offering additional guidance.
- Course materials that facilitate interactions between student(s) and instructor and require the student to contact the instructor or participate in an online discussion moderated by the instructor.
- Online meetings and chats focusing on course material and/or addressing student questions.
What does not constitute interactions?
- Assignment of pre-recorded lectures, webinars, videos, and reading materials if the course design does not require the students to review the assigned material and then interact directly with the instructor.
- Only student-solicited office hours offered.
- A student logging into a live webinar with no opportunity for interaction.
- Courses without at least two of the methods listed (above) for substantive interaction.
- Contact with instructors not related to the course subject matter.
- Adding numeric grades to the course gradebook.
- A student submits a quiz that is automatically graded.
- Sending a welcome message during the first week of class and another around mid-semester.
- Encouraging students to participate in an optional, one-time online review session before the final exam.
- Reminding students of the course attendance policy.
- Posting an announcement about an upcoming assignment deadline.
- Providing an open-ended online forum that is not moderated by the instructor.