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Fall 2024 Grades Very Overdue (Targeted Message)

Who Received This Email?

We sent this emailÌýon Thursday, Jan. 2, 2025, to instructors with post accessÌýwho had unapproved grades in one or more Fall 2024 classes (law, specialized program, thesis and dissertation classes excluded).

Dear [instructor],

Your grades for the following class(es) are very overdue. It is critical that you post these grades immediately. Late grades cause serious consequences for your students, which may include academic standing, financial aid and graduation eligibility.

Class InfoClass #Class Description# Enrolled

Web grading is the only method of posting grades, including late grades. Do not email grades, as this violates campus security policies.

To complete the grading process:

  1. On 's Teaching Tools tab, click "Go to Web Grading."
  2. If the wrong term is selected, click "Change Term."
  3. Click the grade roster icon next to the class you want to grade.
  4. Sync, upload or enter your grades.
  5. Approve and post your grade roster(s).

For online assistance, see OIT’s webpage and the Office of the Registrar’s step-by-step instructions and videos, or reference our FAQs. You may also contact:

Office of the Registrar
Hours: Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. MT

Please note: On January 9, 2025, all students who remain ungraded for Fall 2024 will be assigned a grade of NR (not reported). After NR grades are assigned, instructors must submit an individual grade change request to assign a final grade for each student.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Erika Randall
Interim Dean & Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

E. Scott Adler
Dean of the Graduate School & Vice Provost for Graduate Affairs