Summer 2020 Courses /polisci/ en Need a summer course? Check out the 2020 Term B offerings here! /polisci/2020/03/31/need-summer-course-check-out-2020-term-b-offerings-here Need a summer course? Check out the 2020 Term B offerings here! Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 03/31/2020 - 13:57 Categories: News Tags: Summer 2020 Courses

Summer 2020 Term B 7/7/20–8/7/20

PSCI 3011: The American President - Hybrid Eve
Examines the constitutional, institutional and historical development of the presidency and the federal bureaucracy. Explores the changing role of the executive branch in the U.S. political system over time and competing views of executive power.
Instructor: Michael Kanner

PSCI 3062: Revolution & Political Violence  
Studies and evaluates alternative theoretical frameworks for the analysis of revolution and political violence. Theoretical material is firmly couched in case situations, such as ethnic, class, colonial, urban, racial, and religious conflicts.
Instructor: Jordan Hale

PSCI 2223: Intro to International Relations  
Introduces the field of international relations, with general survey of the theories, histories, and problems of historical and contemporary relations among state and nonstate actors.
Instructor: Ayegul Aydin

PSCI 3143: Current Affairs in IR
Analyzes the various theoretical and policy challenges facing the post-Cold War world, with an emphasis on examining alternative conceptions of and approaches to such challenges.
Instructor: Mathias Delori

PSCI 3213: International Political Economy  
Analyzes issues at the intersection of international politics and international economics. Utilizes theories and concepts from both economics and political science to understand issues in trade, finance, development and migration. (formerly PSCI 4193)
Instructor: Brendan Connell

PSCI 2075: Quantitative Methods  
Introduces quantitative research methods used in political science. Focuses on basic tools of analysis: data collection, processing, and evaluation, with special attention to survey techniques. Includes elite and case study analysis; aggregate, cluster, and content analysis; and the use of computers in political research.
Instructor: Courtney Johnson

PSCI/ENVS 3064: Environmental Political Theory  
Examines environmental discourses as conceptual means for theorizing environmental politics, and applies normative political theories to contemporary environmental policy issues. Considers the roles of political actors (individuals, groups, the state) in defining and addressing environmental problems on local, national, and global levels.
Instructor: Steve Vanderheiden

PSCI 2004: Western Political Thought  
Studies main political philosophies and political issues of Western culture, from antiquity to 20th century.
Instructor: Kimberly Killen

PSCI 2106: Intro Public Policy Analysis  
Studies policymaking processes in American government, factors shaping public decision, and issues and questions relevant to political inquiry.
Instructor: Srinivas Parinandi


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Tue, 31 Mar 2020 19:57:57 +0000 Anonymous 5039 at /polisci
Need a summer course? Check out the 2020 Term A offerings here! /polisci/2020/03/31/need-summer-course-check-out-2020-term-offerings-here Need a summer course? Check out the 2020 Term A offerings here! Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 03/31/2020 - 13:52 Categories: News Tags: Summer 2020 Courses

Summer 2020 Term A 6/1/20–7/2/20

All Term A classes will be offered remotely. 

PSCI 1101: Intro to American Politics  
Emphasizes interrelations among levels and branches of government, formal and informal institutions, processes, and behavior.  
Instructor: Anand Sokhey

PSCI 3021: US Campaigns & Elections
Introduces students to the subjects, techniques, and findings of Political Science research on campaigns and elections. Particular emphasis is placed on the study of voting, campaign effects, partisan coalitions, electoral rules, campaign finance, and the policy impact of elections.
Instructor: Kenneth Bickers

PSCI 4221: Political Psychology  
Examines the psychological foundations of political decision-making among citizens and elites. Considers the role of political psychology in explaining political behavior and outcomes at the individual and collective level. 
Instructor: Pavel Bacovsky

PSCI 2012: Intro to Comparative Politics   
Most countries confront a variety of common political problems, including how to gain popular support, what kinds of political institutions are most appropriate, and how to distribute burdens and benefits to different segments of the population. Concentrates on learning how to compare different political systems and provides illustrative examples from several countries in both the industrialized and nonindustrialized world.
Instructor: Sarah Sokhey

PSCI 4012: Global Development 
Analyzes development theory, case studies in development strategies, and the problems and promises of development: specifically issues of gender, environment, labor, corruption and poverty. The primary focus is on explanations for variation in level of development over time and across countries. 
Instructor: Trenton Marlar

PSCI 4792: Issues in Latin American Politics  
Studies several Latin American countries in some depth including history and contemporary politics. Teaches students to listen to and evaluate different sides of political controversies, and critically evaluate arguments.
Instructor: Brett Bessen

PSCI 2223: Intro to International Relations  
Introduces the field of international relations, with general survey of the theories, histories, and problems of historical and contemporary relations among state and nonstate actors.
Instructor: Sarah Hunter

PSCI 3163: American Foreign Policy  
Examines foundations, assumptions, objectives, dynamics, and methods of U.S. foreign policy since WWII. Gives special attention to domestic and external problems of adapting U.S. policy to the changing world environment.
Instructor: Anna Gray

PSCI 4213: Europe and the International System  
Covers the past, present and future of Europe's global role.
Instructor: Christopher Jorde

PSCI 3206: Environmental Public Policy
Considers constitutional, political, and geographic factors in the development of public policy affecting the use of natural resources and management of the environment; organization, procedures, and programs for use of natural resources; and administration of environmental policies.
Instructor: Nancy Billica


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Tue, 31 Mar 2020 19:52:31 +0000 Anonymous 5037 at /polisci
Need a Maymester course? Check out the 2020 offerings here! /polisci/2020/03/31/need-maymester-course-check-out-2020-offerings-here Need a Maymester course? Check out the 2020 offerings here! Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 03/31/2020 - 13:43 Categories: News Tags: Summer 2020 Courses

Maymester 5/22/20 - 5/29/20

All Maymester classes will be offered remotely.

PSCI 1101-001: Introduction to American Politics
Emphasizes interrelations among levels and branches of government, formal and informal institutions, processes, and behavior.
Instructor: John Griffin

PSCI 4002-001: Western European Politics
Comparatively analyzes development of the political systems and processes of European democracies. Emphasizes contemporary institutions, decision making patterns, and policy issues. Special attention to challenges of welfare systems.
Instructor: Jennifer Fitzgerald

PSCI 4243-001: Modern Warfare - Terrorism, Ideology, Identity
Explores the evolution of warfare and origins of terrorism. Ideological and identity differences have come to the forefront of violent political conflicts while the emerging doctrine of warfare has placed civilians in the middle of modern conflicts. Tracks potential changes in the means of and reasons for fighting, roles of civilians and media, and rules of war.
Instructor: Jaroslav Tir

PSCI 3174-001: Sex, Power, and Politics - U.S. Perspectives
Explores how norms of sex, gender, race and sexuality find expression in institutions and policies in ways that legitimize only certain individuals as political actors, certain identities as politically relevant, and certain relationships as important. Critically examines how norms may be exposed, resisted, and changed by studying the politics of the women's, gay liberation, and men's movements in the U.S.
Instructor: Michaele Ferguson

PSCI 3075-001: Applied Political Science Research
Introduces the types of research design and quantitative methodology used in applied political science research. Directly builds on the data analysis performed in Quantitative Research Methods ().
Instructor: Andrew Philips





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Tue, 31 Mar 2020 19:43:32 +0000 Anonymous 5035 at /polisci