Need a Maymester course? Check out the 2020 offerings here!
Maymester 5/22/20 - 5/29/20
All Maymester classes will be offered remotely.
PSCI 1101-001: Introduction to American Politics
Emphasizes interrelations among levels and branches of government, formal and informal institutions, processes, and behavior.
Instructor: John Griffin
PSCI 4002-001: Western European Politics
Comparatively analyzes development of the political systems and processes of European democracies. Emphasizes contemporary institutions, decision making patterns, and policy issues. Special attention to challenges of welfare systems.
Instructor: Jennifer Fitzgerald
PSCI 4243-001: Modern Warfare -ÌýTerrorism, Ideology, Identity
Explores the evolution of warfare and origins of terrorism. Ideological and identity differences have come to the forefront of violent political conflicts while the emerging doctrine of warfare has placed civilians in the middle of modern conflicts. Tracks potential changes in the means of and reasons for fighting, roles of civilians and media, and rules of war.
Instructor: Jaroslav Tir
PSCI 3174-001: Sex, Power, and Politics -ÌýU.S. Perspectives
Explores how norms of sex, gender, race and sexuality find expression in institutions and policies in ways that legitimize only certain individuals as political actors, certain identities as politically relevant, and certain relationships as important. Critically examines how norms may be exposed, resisted, and changed by studying the politics of the women's, gay liberation, and men's movements in the U.S.
Instructor: Michaele Ferguson
PSCI 3075-001: Applied Political Science Research
Introduces the types of research design and quantitative methodology used in applied political science research. Directly builds on the data analysis performed in Quantitative Research Methods ().
Instructor: Andrew Philips