MS Thesis Plan of Study

Must be submitted immediately after confirming obtainment of MS Thesis Advisor and to complete MS Thesis Milestone 2Ìý

Form will be student-initiated, sent to MS Thesis Faculty Advisor for endorsement, and finally to MS Graduate Program Advisor for signature and graduation tracking.Ìý

If there are any changes to the original and approved Plan of Study (POS), students must submit a new POS via this form.Ìý

The plan must have the following minimum requirements:Ìý

  • Cumulative GPA: Must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above throughout the duration of the program to stay in good academic standing.
  • Credit Minimums: Cumulative 30 credits with a grade of C or above in all courses. These credits should include:
    • Minimum 18 credits from the Mechanical Engineering department (MCEN)
    • 12 elective graduate credits (5000-level or above) that align with academic and research interests.
    • Full-Time Status is deemed by the Graduate School as:Ìý
      • One who is carrying a minimum of 5 credits of graduate level course work (pass/fail or for a grade)
      • Eight credits of combined undergraduate and graduate course work or 12 hours of undergraduate level course work
      • At least 1 master’s thesis hour (MCEN 6959)
      • At least 1 hour of “Master’s Candidate for Degree (MCEN 6949)Ìý
  • Core Courses:
    • MCEN 5030: Introduction to Research (3 credits)
    • MCEN 5020: Methods of Engineering Analysis (3 credits)
    • MCEN 6959: Master’s Thesis (6 credits)
      • Must enroll in 6 thesis credits (MCEN 6959) as part of thesis research and writing process. It is expected that while enrolled in these credits, research, lab work, and thesis defense preparation is occurring.
      • Usually, students enroll in 3 thesis credits in last two semesters.
      • Enrollment of these credits must be requested by student to the department prior to the add deadline of the requested semester. Information on how to request enrollment are announced via ME Graduate Student Resources Canvas Course
Indicates required field

Student Information

Faculty Advisor Information