ࡱ> ikhW hbjbjzBzB 7p(a(a+  8<)!.]L(  $#%h 9    CKʲ+Zy}Rp  0)!;&6;&:;& )!;& B X: University of Colorado Boulder Tenure Track Faculty Search Plan Checklist The purpose of this form is to ensure that tenure track faculty searches are conducted in accordance with the Universitys commitment to ensuring a diverse, qualified applicant pool and in compliance with state and federal equal employment opportunity and affirmative action requirements. **This form must be submitted with the Position Authorization Form to the Office of Faculty Affairs for review before any advertisement with regard to this position may be posted** Hiring UnitHiring AuthorityPosition Level Position Discipline/FieldPosition NumberTarget Start DateForm Submitted ByForm Submittal Date Search Committee Requirements  FORMCHECKBOX  The hiring authority has convened a search committee that contains at least three (3) members. Members reflect the diverse nature of the university, support the universitys commitment to enhancing faculty diversity and ensuring equal employment opportunity, and are qualified to evaluate the requirements of the position.  FORMCHECKBOX  The search chair has ensured that all committee members have at some point taken the online Skillsoft training course entitled, Search Committee Training, Recruiting Diverse Talent to the University or met with an affirmative action representative.  FORMCHECKBOX  The search committee will establish the job-related criteria that will be used when evaluating which candidate is most likely to be successful in the role. The search committee members for this search are: Name and TitleRoleDepartmentPhone or EmailTraining CompletedChair&Member&Member&Member&Member&Member&Member& Recruitment and Advertising Requirements  FORMCHECKBOX  The JobsatCU.com announcement contains the following required EEO/AA language: The University of Colorado is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to building a diverse workforce. We encourage applications from women, racial and ethnic minorities, individuals with disabilities and veterans. Alternative formats of this ad can be provided upon request for individuals with disabilities by contacting the ADA Coordinator at:  HYPERLINK "mailto:hr-ada@colorado.edu" hr-ada@colorado.edu.  FORMCHECKBOX  All non-JobsatCU.com announcements will contain the following required language: Application materials are accepted electronically at  HYPERLINK "https://www.jobsatcu.com" https://www.jobsatcu.com. The University of Colorado is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. In addition to the posting placed on JobsatCU.com, a job announcement will be published in/distributed to the following locations. List any institutions, professional associations or email lists where the announcement will be sent and any publications, advertising outlets or websites where the job will be published. Include search and recruitment efforts taken to ensure a broad and inclusive pool of candidates; if suggestions are needed, please contact the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Community Engagement (ODECE) at 303-735-1332 or  HYPERLINK "mailto:ode@colorado.edu" ode@colorado.edu. Selection Process Requirements  FORMCHECKBOX  Applicants will be screened based on the job-related criteria as outlined at the commencement of the search.  FORMCHECKBOX  Applicants selected for interviews will be asked similar job-related questions and given the same opportunity to speak substantively about their qualifications for the position during the interview process to ensure consistent evaluation of candidates qualifications.  FORMCHECKBOX  Committee members will not engage in potentially discriminatory lines of questioning during the interview process, such as those related to a candidate's age, nationality, race, ethnicity, color, gender (including pregnancy),gender identity, gender expression, religion, disability status, veteran status or sexual orientation.  FORMCHECKBOX  If an applicant with a disability requests an accommodation (such as a sign language interpreter) to apply for a job, the search committee chair will contact the ADA Coordinator at (303) 492-1334 for guidance. SUBMITTED BY: __________________________________________________ _________________ Search/Department Chair Date APPROVED BY: __________________________________________________ _________________ Dean Date RECEIVED OFFICE OF FACULTY AFFAIRS _______________________________ ________________ Date FORWARDED TO THE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OFFICER____________________ _________________ Date FORWARDED TO ODECE ___________________________________________ _________________ Date JKl " / 0 B C T U p q 5 6 D E F G  ׽״|평oi h^Jjh/U^Jjhh/U^J h/^Jjh/U^Jh95>*\^Jh9CJ^JaJ hh9hh9^Jh:S56>*\]^Jh56>*\]^Jh956>*\]^Jh96]^J h9^Jh95CJ\^JaJ)JKl " . / 0 A B eikd$$Ifl0D (D  44 lalpd$1$7$8$H$If$d1$7$8$H$a$$d1$7$8$H$a$ B C S T d$1$7$8$H$Ifikd$$Ifl0D (D  44 lalpT U o p d$1$7$8$H$Ifikd$$Ifl0D (D  44 lalpp q d$1$7$8$H$Ifikd$$Ifl0D (D  44 lalp d$1$7$8$H$Ifikd4$$Ifl0D (D  44 lalp d$1$7$8$H$Ifikd$$Ifl0D (D  44 lalp d$1$7$8$H$IfikdN$$Ifl0D (D  44 lalp 5 D mQQ hhdx1$7$8$H$^h`gd/ & F hhx1$7$8$H$^h`gd d1$7$8$H$ikd$$Ifl0D (D  44 lalp  C D E S T U V H(,.024BFHJLN\`bdfhvz|~ƹƹƹƹƹƹƹƘh95>*\^J h^J#hhCJOJPJQJaJo(hhPJhhCJPJaJ hhhh5PJjPh/U^J h/^Jjh/U^J h^J h9^J7D Hfp$ hd$Ifa$gd hh1$7$8$H$^h` hhdx1$7$8$H$^h`gd/0 hd$Ifgdkd$$Iflr ^t"(\ | T t0")644 lap2yt$ hd$Ifa$gd hd$Ifgd0 hd$Ifgdkd$$Iflr ^t"(\ | T t0")644 lap2yt$ hd$Ifa$gd hd$Ifgdd$Ifgd0 hd$Ifgdkd$$Iflr ^t"(\ | T t0")644 lap2yt$ hd$Ifa$gd hd$Ifgdd$Ifgd0 hd$Ifgdkdy$$Iflr ^t"(\ | T t0")644 lap2yt(*,0$ hd$Ifa$gd hd$Ifgdd$Ifgd0240 hd$Ifgdkd` $$Iflr ^t"(\ | T t0")644 lap2yt4BDFJ$ hd$Ifa$gd hd$Ifgdd$IfgdJLN0 hd$IfgdkdG $$Iflr ^t"(\ | T t0")644 lap2ytN\^`d$ hd$Ifa$gd hd$Ifgdd$Ifgddfh0 hd$Ifgdkd. $$Iflr ^t"(\ | T t0")644 lap2ythvxz~$ hd$Ifa$gd hd$Ifgdd$Ifgd~0 hh1$7$8$H$^h`kd $$Iflr ^t"(\ | T t0")644 lap2ytLJmnfaL hd$1$7$8$H$Ifgd.2 & F hcd1$7$8$H$^c`gd & F hcd1$7$8$H$^c`gdhdxx1$7$8$H$^h`dx1$7$8$H$^hddx1$7$8$H$^h` & F hhx1$7$8$H$^h`gd19KL7?Jf\VI\Vjp h/U^J h/^Jjh/U^J5jhqU6>*B*CJOJQJU]^JaJph,h96>*B*CJOJQJ]^JaJphhqUjhqUUh96B*]^Jphh95\^J h9>*^J h9^J+j h/5CJOJQJU\aJh/5CJOJQJ\aJ%jh/5CJOJQJU\aJ#23XYijklmȾ}phdhUBp>7 h.2h9h.2%jhhqU0JOJQJU^Jhh.20JOJQJ^JhqUjhqUUhh.2OJQJ^Jhh'OJQJ^JhhUOJQJ^JhhOJQJ^JhhOJQJ^Jhh9OJQJ^Jh9OJQJ^Jh96]^Jh96B*]^Jph%jhqU6>*B*U]^Jphh96>*B*]^Jphmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ ./01>?MNOPֶçtjZh/U^Jh9B*^Jph&&&"jh/B*U^Jph&&&h/B*^Jph&&&jh/B*U^Jph&&&jrh/U^J h9^Jjh/U^J h/^Jjh/U^Jh95>*\^J hh9hh9^J-nopqrTKkdM$$Ifll(\(  44 lap  hd$1$7$8$H$IfKkd $$Ifll(\(  44 lap rstuvTKkd$$Ifll(\(  44 lap  hd$1$7$8$H$IfKkd$$Ifll(\(  44 lap vwxyzTKkd$$Ifll(\(  44 lap  hd$1$7$8$H$IfKkd$$Ifll(\(  44 lap z{|}~TKkd$$Ifll(\(  44 lap  hd$1$7$8$H$IfKkdZ$$Ifll(\(  44 lap ~T3! & F h8dx1$7$8$H$^8`gdKkd$$Ifll(\(  44 lap  hd$1$7$8$H$IfKkd,$$Ifll(\(  44 lap >|~yj h$Ifgdj hd$1$7$8$H$Ifgdj hd$1$7$8$H$If hd1$7$8$H$ hd1$7$8$H$gdF  hhd1$7$8$H$^h` hhdx1$7$8$H$^h` |&'+,-XhZh^h_hrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh¸؝؝؝¥”zvzh.2jh.2UhpjhpU h^J hh9UhhF 5hh 5^JhhF ^JhhpD5^JhhF 5^Jhh 5\^Jhh 5hhj5hh95\^J hF ^J h9^J.',-Zh_h`hh hd$1$7$8$H$Ifgd  h d$1$7$8$H$If^ gdF  hB$If^B`gd  hd$1$7$8$H$Ifgdj hB$If^BgdjREVIEWED BY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OFFICER __________________________ _________________ Date RECEIVED BY ODECE _______________________________________________ _________________ Date       PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 hhhhhhhhhhhhsigigi dgdF  hd1$7$8$H$gd:S hd1$7$8$H$Kkd$$Iflh)(  44 lap  h d$1$7$8$H$If^ gdF hhhhhhhhh hd1$7$8$H$gd:S$a$ dgdF hhhhhhh h^JhphqUh.2jh.2UmHnHu*hGBYmHnHu501+:p/ =!"#$% $$Ifl!vh#vD #v:V l 5D 5/ alp$$Ifl!vh#vD #v:V l 5D 5/ alp$$Ifl!vh#vD #v:V l 5D 5/ alp$$Ifl!vh#vD #v:V l 5D 5/ alp$$Ifl!vh#vD #v:V l 5D 5/ alp$$Ifl!vh#vD #v:V l 5D 5/ alp$$Ifl!vh#vD #v:V l 5D 5/ alp$$Ifl!vh#vD #v:V l 5D 5/ alptDeCheck1tDeCheck2tDeCheck3$$If!vh#v\ #v#v| #v#vT:V l t0")65\ 55| 55Tap2yt$$If!vh#v\ #v#v| #v#vT:V l t0")65\ 55| 55Tap2yt$$If!vh#v\ #v#v| #v#vT:V l t0")65\ 55| 55Tap2yt$$If!vh#v\ #v#v| #v#vT:V l t0")65\ 55| 55Tap2yt$$If!vh#v\ #v#v| #v#vT:V l t0")65\ 55| 55Tap2yt$$If!vh#v\ #v#v| #v#vT:V l t0")65\ 55| 55Tap2yt$$If!vh#v\ #v#v| #v#vT:V l t0")65\ 55| 55Tap2yt$$If!vh#v\ #v#v| #v#vT:V l t0")65\ 55| 55Tap2yttDeCheck4tDeCheck5g$$If!vh#v\(:V l  5\(/ ap g$$If!vh#v\(:V l  5\(/ ap g$$If!vh#v\(:V l  5\(/ ap g$$If!vh#v\(:V l  5\(/ ap g$$If!vh#v\(:V l  5\(/ ap g$$If!vh#v\(:V l  5\(/ ap g$$If!vh#v\(:V l  5\(/ ap g$$If!vh#v\(:V l  5\(/ ap g$$If!vh#v\(:V l  5\(/ ap g$$If!vh#v\(:V l  5\(/ ap tDeCheck6tDeCheck7tDeCheck8tDeCheck9g$$If!vh#v(:V l  5(/ ap s666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@OJQJ_HmH nH sH tH J`J Normal dCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List RR U0 Balloon Text dCJOJQJ^JaJN/N U0Balloon Text CharCJOJQJ^JaJX^@X U0 Normal (Web)ddd[$\$CJOJQJaJB' !B R50Comment ReferenceCJaJ<2< R50 Comment TextCJaJB/AB R50Comment Text CharCJaJ@j12@ R50Comment Subject5\N/aN R50Comment Subject Char5CJ\aJxsx  Table Grid7:V0 dPJ>> F 0HeaderdH$.. 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