
  • Professor
  • Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, 2004
  • MATH 309

Research Interests:



My primary research interests are in algebra and combinatorics. In particular, I work within the realm of combinatorial representation theory, attempting to connect combinatorial objects (such as partitions, tableaux) to algebraic structures (such as finite groups of Lie type and their Hecke algebras).

Select Publications:

  • Supercharacter formulas for pattern groups, (with P. Diaconis). To appear, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (2008).
  • On the characteristic map of finite unitary groups, (with C.R. Vinroot). Adv. Math.Ìý 210 (2007), 707-732.
  • A skein-like multiplication algorithm for unipotent Hecke algebras. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.359 (2007), 1685-1724.
  • Unipotent Hecke algebras of GL_n(F_q).Ìý J. Algebra.Ìý284 (2005), 559-577.