Contact Information

Alisha N. Clark

Office: +1 (303) 492-0372


Office Address:

Department of Geological Sciences

University of Colorado Boulder

399 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309


Assistant Professor August 2019

University of Colorado Boulder

Department of Geosciences

NSF EAR Postdoctoral Fellow June 2017 – June 2019

Northwestern University

Scripps Institute of Oceanography

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (DIM Oxymore) Jan. 2016 – June 2017

Institut de minéralogie, de physique des matériaux et de cosmochimie

Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France


Ph.D., Geology Mar. 2016

University of California, Davis, CA

Dissertation Title: “Geologic Applications for the Anomalous Elastic and Volumetric Properties of Amorphous Silicates”

M.S., Geology Dec. 2011

University of California, Davis, CA

Thesis Title: “On the Anomalous Compressibility of Vitreous Silica: New Insights from High Pressure X-ray Microtomography and Gigahertz Ultrasonic Interferometry”

B.S., Geology (Geochemistry emphasis) March 2007

University of California, Davis, CA

Thesis Title: “The high pressure viscosity of lithium disilicate and applicability of the Faxén correction for high pressure silicate melts”


Charles E. Lesher (B.S./M.S./Ph.D.), University of California, Davis 2005-2015

Grants and Funding

NNSA/DOE Stewardship Science Academic Alliances Center of Excellence 2023-2028

The Wootton Center for Astrophysical Plasma Properties “Dirty Stars and Broken Planets

PI: Don Winget; Co-PI: Alisha Clark

Sandia National Laboratories Laboratory Directed Research and Development 2022-2025

Program Academic Partner

“Falling Sphere Viscometry in the Multi-anvil Press”

PI: Alisha Clark

Sandia National Laboratories & CU College of Engineering and Applied Science 2022-2024

“Composite-Multistate Materials Under Dynamic Compression”

PI: Richard Regueiro; Co-PI: Alisha Clark

NSF Earth Science Grant 2052826 2021-2024

“Collaborative Research: Investigating the Role of Mantle Metasomatism and Melt-Rock Interaction During Evolution of Continental Lithosphere Mantle”

PI: Alisha Clark; Co-PI: G. Lang Farmer

NSF Earth Science Grant 1952641 2020-2022

“Volatiles in silicate melts: From geophysical detection to primordial reservoirs”

PI: Alisha Clark

Z-Fundamental Science Proposal: Sandia National Laboratory 2018-2025

Origin of Earth’s water: role of hydrous melts at extreme P-T conditions

PI: Alisha Clark

NSF Earth Science Postdoctoral Fellowship 2017 - 2019

“Linking elastic and electrical properties to investigate partial melting in the deep mantle”

PI: Alisha Clark

DIM OxyMORE Postdoctoral Fellowship 2016 - 2017

“The anomalous behavior of silicate liquids on densification: A combined X-ray tomography and Raman spectroscopy study at high pressure”

PI: Alisha Clark


GEOL 1170 Our Deadly Planet (Sp2020). Enrollment 164.

GEOL 3010 Introduction to Mineralogy (F2019, F2020). Enrollment 5-16.

GEOL 3950 Natural Catastrophes and Geologic Hazards (Sp2023, F2023). Enrollment 36-44.

GEOL 5700 Principles of Mineral Physics (Sp2021) Enrollment 5.

GEOL 5700 Trailblazers (Sp2021) Enrollment 7.


  • Clark, A. N., Lane, J.M., Davis, J.-P., Sarafian, A.R., Cochrane, K.R., Townsend, J.P., & Jacobsen, S.D. (2023) . AIP Conf. Proc. 2844, 330002.
  • Miozzi, F., Morard. G., Antonangeli, D., Baron, MA., Pakhomova, A., Clark, A.N., Mezouar, M., & Fiquet, G.(2022) . Geochimica et Cosmochemicia Acta. 322, 129-142.
  • King, A., Guignot, N., Henry, L., Morard, G., Clark, A.N., Le Godec, Y., & Itié, J.-P. (2022) . Journal of Applied Crystallography. 218-227.
  • Boccato, S., Garino, Y., Morard, G., Zhao, B., Xu, F., Sanloup, C., King, A., Guignot, N., Clark, A.N., Garbarino, G., & Antonangeli, D. (2022) . High Pressure Research. 42 (1), 69-93.
  • Edmund, E., Miozzi, F., Morard. G., Boulard, E., Clark, A.N., Decremps, F., Garbarino, G., Svitlyk, V., Mezouar, M., & Antonangeli, D. (2020) . Minerals.
  • Edmund, E., Antonangeli, D., Decremps, F., Miozzi, F., Morard. G., Boulard, E., Clark, A.N., Ayrinhac, S., Gauthier, M., Morand, M., & Mezouar, M. (2019) . Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124,3436–3447
  • Miozzi, F., Morard. G., Antonangeli, D., Clark, A.N, Mezouar, M., Dorn, C., Rozel, A., & Fiquet, G.(2018) . Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 123, 2295–2309.
  • Boulard, E., King, A., Guignot, N., Deslandes, J.-P., Le Godec, Y., Perrillat, J.-P., Clark, A.N., Morard. G., & Itié, J.-P. (2018) . Journal of Synchrotron Radiation.
  • Clark, A. N., and Lesher, C. E. (2017) . Science Advances. 3, e1701312.
  • Morard, G., Nakajima, Y., Andrault, D., Antonangeli, D., Auzende, A.L., Boulard, E., Cervera, S., Clark, A.N., Lord, O.T., Siebert, J., Svitlyk, V., Garbarino, G., & Mezouar, M. (2017) . Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 122(10), 7813-7823.
  • Morard, G., Andrault, D., Antonangeli, D., Nakajima, Y., Auzende, A.L., Boulard, E., Cervera, S., Clark, A.N., Lord, O.T., Siebert, J., Svitlyk, V., Garbarino, G., & Mezouar, M. (2017) . Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 437, 94-103.
  • Clark, A. N., Lesher, C.E., Jacobsen, S.D., & Wang, Y. (2016) . Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 121(6), 4232-4348.
  • Clark, A.N., Lesher, C.E., Jacobsen, S.D., & Sen. S. (2014) . Physical Review B. 90, 174110
  • Wang, Y., Lesher, C.E., Fiquet, G., Rivers, M.L., Nishiyama, N., Siebert, J., Roberts, J., Morard, G., Gaudio, J., Clark, A.N., Watson, H., Menguy, N., & Guyot, F. (2011) . Geosphere. 7(1), 40-53.
  • Lesher, C.E., Wang, Y.B., Gaudio, S.J., Clark, A.N., Nishiyama, N., and Rivers, M.L. (2009) . Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors.174, 292-301.
  • Zhang, P., Navrotsky, A., Guo, B., Kennedy, I., Clark, A.N., Lesher, C., and Liu, Q. (2008) . The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112(4), 932-938.
  • Sen, S., Soyer-Uzun, S., Gjersing, E.L., Aitken, B.G., Gaudio, S., Clark, A.N., and Lesher, C.E. (2007) . Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 9(11), 3553-3557

Invited Talks

Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark – November 2014

Bayerisches Geoinstitut (BGI), Bayreuth, Germany – November 2014

University College London, London, England – May 2016

Northwestern University – November 2017

University of Illinois at Chicago – November 2017

Carnegie Institution for Science (Dept. of Terrestrial Magnetism) – November 2017

University of Colorado Boulder – February 2018

Columbia University – April 2018

Carnegie Institution for Science (Geophysical Laboratory) – May 2018

University of Utah – November 2019

University of Texas at Austin (Astronomy) – November 2022

Conference Presentations

*Graduate Student Presenter

  • Bausch, H.J.*, Townsend, J.P., Duwal, S., McCoy, C.A., Davis, J., Abbott, T., Clark, A.N., and Jacobsen, S.D. (Submitted) Shock-ramp compression of (Mg,Fe)O up to Earth’s core conditions. American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting.
  • Kendall, M.S.*, Clark, A. N., Jacobsen, S.D., Gardner, L.L., Sarafian, A.R., Townsend, J.P., Davis, J.-P. & Seagle, C.T. (Submitted) Volatile retention during pebble accretion: a combined shock and spectroscopy study. American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting.
  • Wickland, T.D.*, Clark, A.N., & Farmer, G. L. (Submitted) Tracking the Late Cretaceous to Early Cenozoic Evolution of Continental Lithospheric Mantle in Southwestern New Mexico Using Combined Volcanic Rock Ta/Th and Nd Isotopic Compositions. American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting.
  • Rosenfeld, S. L.*, Clark, A. N., Wickland, T., Kendall, M., Sarafian, A., Wang, Y., Yu, T., McCoy, C., Duwal, S., & Townsend, J. P. (2023). Viscosity of SiO2 Melts. 14th Z Fundamental Science with Pulsed Power: Research Opportunities and User Meeting.
  • [Invited] Clark, A. N., Lesher, C.E., Yu. T., & Wang, Y. (2023) Density of silicate melts by 3D X-ray absorption microtomography. Goldschmidt 2023 Conference.
  • Lane, J.M., Cochrane, K.R., Davis, J.-P., Sarafian, A.R., & Clark, A. N. (2023) Effect of Water on Dynamic Compression of Silica Glass and Melts Using Molecular Dynamics. SHOCK23 Meeting of The American Physical Society.
  • Bausch, H.J.*, Townsend, J.P., Duwal, S., McCoy, C.A., Davis, J., Abbott, T., Clark, A.N., and Jacobsen, S.D. (2023) Shock-ramp compression of (Mg,Fe)O up to Earth’s core conditions. APS Shock Compression of Condensed Matter Conference.
  • Kendall, M.S.*, Clark, A. N., Davis, J.P., Specht, P.E., Peterson, N.E., Clarke, A.J., & Regueiro, R.A. (2023) Dynamic Compression of Mock Polymer-Bonded Explosive.
    23rd Biennial
  • Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter. G00.00023.
  • Bausch, H.J.*, Townsend, J.P., Duwal, S., McCoy, C.A., Davis, J., Abbott, T., Clark, A.N., and Jacobsen, S.D. (2023) Shock-ramp compression of iron-rich (Mg,Fe)O up to Earth’s core conditions. Stewardship Science Academic Programs Symposium.
  • Harrison, L.M.*, Clark, A. N., Jacobsen, S.D., Sarafian, A.R. Davis, J.-P. & Townsend, J.P. (2022) Using shockless ramp compression to investigate melting in the Earth's mantle. American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting. MR32A-0054.
  • Kendall, M.S.*, Clark, A. N., Jacobsen, S.D., Gardner, L.L., Sarafian, A.R., Townsend, J.P., Davis, J.-P. & Seagle, C.T. (2022) Water in Silicates: A Combined Shock and Spectroscopy Study. American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting. DI25D-0045.
  • Bausch, H.J.*, Townsend, J.P., Jacobsen, S.D., Clark, A.N., Duwal, S., McCoy, C.A., and Davis, J. (2022) Shock and shock-ramp compression of iron-rich (Mg,Fe)O up to Earth’s core conditions. Consortium for Materials Properties Research in Earth Sciences Annual Meeting.
  • Clark, A. N., Jacobsen, S.D., Davis, J.-P., Lane, J.M., Cochrane, K.R., Townsend, J.P., & Sarafian, A.R. (2022) Shock-Ramp of SiO2 Melt. SHOCK22 Meeting of The American Physical Society.
  • Bausch, H.J.*, Townsend, J.P., Jacobsen, S.D., Clark, A. N., Duwal, S., McCoy, C.A., & Davis, J.-P. (2022) Shock and shock-ramp compression of iron-rich (Mg,Fe)O at Earth's core conditions. SHOCK22 Meeting of The American Physical Society.
  • Harrison, L.M.*, Clark, A. N., Jacobsen, S.D., Sarafian, A.R. Davis, J.-P. & Townsend, J.P. (2022) Using shockless ramp compression to investigate melting in the Earth's mantle. SHOCK22 Meeting of The American Physical Society.
  • Kendall, M.S.*, Clark, A. N., Jacobsen, S.D., Gardner, L.L., Sarafian, A.R., Townsend, J.P., Davis, J.-P. & Seagle, C.T. (2022) Water in Silicates: A Combined Shock and Spectroscopy Study. 22nd Biennial Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter.
  • Clark, A. N., Jacobsen, S.D., Davis, J.-P., Lane, J.M., Cochrane, K.R., Townsend, J.P., & Sarafian, A.R. (2021) Origin of Earth’s water: Role of hydrous melts at extreme P-T conditions. Z-Fundamental Science Program Annual Workshop.
  • Bausch, H.J.*, Townsend, J.P., Jacobsen, S.D., Clark, A.N., Duwal, S., and Davis, J. (2021) Shock-ramp compression of (Mg,Fe)O on the Z machine: preliminary theory and application to ultra-low velocity zones atop the core-mantle boundary. Z Fundamental Science Workshop.
  • Clark, A.N., Morard, G., Le Godec, Y., Guignot, N., & King, A. (2020) Densification mechanisms of amorphous silicates: Implications for terrestrial planets. Eos Trans, AGU, Fall Meeting, Abstract
  • Clark, A. N., Jacobsen, S.D., Davis, J.-P., Lane, J.M., Cochrane, K.R., Townsend, J.P., & Sarafian, A.R. (2020) Origin of Earth’s water: Role of hydrous melts at extreme P-T conditions. Z-Fundamental Science Program Annual Workshop.
  • Sarafian, A.R. Clark, A. N., Jacobsen, S.D., Harrison, L., Davis, J.-P., & Tingley, J. (2020) Shockless ramp compression of Mg-silicate glasses: geophysical applications of pulsed power using Thor-64 and the Z-machine. Glass and Optical Materials Division of the American Ceramic Society Annual Meeting.
  • Edmund, E., Antonangeli, D., Decremps, F., Miozzi, F., Morard. G., Boulard, E., Clark, A.N., Ayrinhac, S., Gauthier, M., Morand, M., & Mezouar, M. (2019) Constraints on Inner Core Composition from the High-Pressure Sound Velocities and Thermal Equations of State of Fe-Si and Fe-Ni-Si Alloys. AGU Annual Meeting.
  • Morard. G., Antonangeli, D., Bureau H., Miozzi, F., Boulard, E., Clark, A.N., Boccato, S., Bouchet, J., Mezouar, M., Prescher, C., & Greenberg E., (2019) Structural transition in liquid FeO. AGU Annual Meeting.
  • Miozzi, F., Morard. G., Antonangeli, D., Clark, A.N, Baron, M.A., Mezouar, M., Pakhomova, A., & Fiquet. G. (2019) Phase relations and melting in a Fe-Si-C core: new constraints from experimental data. AGU Annual Meeting.
  • Davis, J.-P., Clark, A. N., Jacobsen, S.D., Lane, J.M., Cochrane, K.R., Townsend, J.P., & Sarafian, A.R. (2019) Shockless compression of hydrated silicate glasses. SHOCK19 Meeting of The American Physical Society.
  • Clark, A. N., Jacobsen, S.D., & Lesher, C. E. (2018) Physical properties of volatile-rich silicate melts in the Earth and implications for seismic detection. AGU Annual Meeting. DI42A-06.
  • Guignot, N., Manthilake, G., Boulard, E., Chantel, J., Xie, L., Yamazaki, D., Yoneda, A., Clark, A.N.,Perrillat, J.-P., Le Godec, Y., Xu, F., Morard. G., Prat, A., & Itié, J.-P. (2018) Recent Developments in HP-HT Materials Research Using Synchrotron Radiation at the PSICHE Beamline, Synchrotron SOLEIL. AGU Annual Meeting. MR21B-0062.
  • Miozzi, F., Morard. G., Antonangeli, D., Clark, A.N.,Dorn, C., Rozel, A., Mezouar, M., Baron, M.A., Pakhomova, A., & Fiquet. G. (2017) Characterization of the Fe-Si-C system at extreme conditions and its application to carbon-rich exoplanets interior. AGU Annual Meeting. P42A-05.
  • Miozzi, F., Morard. G., Antonangeli, D., Clark, A.N.,Dorn, C., Rozel, A., Mezouar, M., Baron, M.A., Pakhomova, A., & Fiquet. G. (2018) An experimental approach to investigate carbon rich exoplanets interior. European Planetary Science Congress 2018. EPSC2018-541.
  • [Invited] Clark, A. N., & Lesher, C. E. (2017) Experimental constraints on the degree of melting beneath tectonic plates. AGU Annual Meeting. DI21B-01.
  • Miozzi, F., Morard. G., Antonangeli, D., Clark, A.N,Edmund, E., Fiquet. G., Mezouar, M.A.(2017) On the interior of carbon-rich exoplanets: new insight from Si – C system at ultra-high pressure. AGU Annual Meeting. DI23B-07.
  • King, A., Guignot, N., Boulard, E., Deslandes, J.-P., Clark, A.N., Morard. G., & Itié, J.-P. (2017). Optimised Combined Angular and Energy Dispersive Diffraction at the PSICHE Beam Line of the SOLEIL Synchrotron for Fast, High Q-range Structure Determination at High Pressure and Temperature. AGU Annual Meeting. MR33E-03
  • Boulard, E., King, A., Perrillat, J.-P., Clark, A.N., Del Real, P. G., Guignot, N., Le Godec, Y., Morard. G., Deslandes, J.-P., & Itié, J.-P. (2017) High Speed X-ray imaging for studying behavior of liquids at high pressures and high temperatures. High Pressure Mineral Physics Seminar-9.
  • Clark, A.N., Morard, G., Le Godec, Y., Guignot, N., & King, A. (2017) Densification mechanisms of amorphous silicates at high pressure and temperature. High Pressure Mineral Physics Seminar-9.
  • Miozzi, F., Morard. G., Antonangeli, D., Clark, A.N,Edmund, E., Fiquet. G., Mezouar, M.A.(2017) On the interior of carbon-rich exoplanets: new insight from Si – C system at ultra-high pressure. High Pressure Mineral Physics Seminar-9.
  • Guignot, N., King, A., Clark, A.N., Perrillat, J.-P., Boulard, E., Sanchez-Valle, C., & Itié, J.-P. (2017) Amorphous and liquid samples structure and density measurements at high pressure – high temperature using diffraction and imaging techniques. High Pressure Mineral Physics Seminar-9.
  • Clark, A.N., Morard, G., Le Godec, Y., Guignot, N., & King, A. (2017) Densification mechanisms of amorphous silicates at high pressure and temperature. GoldschmidtAnnual Meeting.
  • Clark, A. N., Jacobsen, S.D., Lesher, C.E., & Wang, Y. (2017) Decoupling of the elastic and volumetric properties of silicate glasses at high pressure. COMPRESAnnual Meeting.
  • Clark, A. N., & Lesher, C. E. (2017) Elastic properties of silicate melt at high pressure and implications for seismic low velocity zones at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary. Gordon Research Conference – Interior of the Earth.
  • Guignot, N., King, A., Clark, A.N., Perrillat, J.-P., Boulard, E., Morard, G., Deslandes, J.-P., Itié, J.-P., Ritter, X., & Sanchez-Valle, C. (2016) Amorphous and liquid samples structure and density measurements at high pressure – high temperature using diffraction and imaging techniques. Eos Trans, AGU, Fall Meeting, Abstract MR23B.
  • Morard, G., Andrault, D., Antonangeli, D., Nakajima, Y., Auzende, A.L., Boulard, E., Cervera, S., Clark, A.N., Lord, O.T., Siebert, J., Svitlyk, V., Garbarino, G., & Mezouar, M. (2016) A volatile-rich Earth’s core inferred from melting temperature of core materials. Eos Trans, AGU, Fall Meeting, Abstract MR34A.
  • Boulard, E., King, A., Guignot, N., Le Godec, Y., Clark, A.N., & Itié, J.-P. (2016) Tomographie-X ultra-rapid à haute pression et temperature. 10 è forum de technologie des hautes pression.
  • Clark, A.N., Morard, G., Le Godec, Y., Guignot, N., & King, A. (2016) The anomalous behavior of silicate glasses and liquids on densification: A combined X-ray tomography and diffraction study at high pressure. 15è Journées de la Matière Condensée.
  • Clark, A.N., Morard, G., Le Godec, Y., Guignot, N., & King, A. (2016) The anomalous behavior of silicate glasses and liquids on densification: A combined X-ray tomography and diffraction study at high pressure. COMPRESAnnual Meeting.
  • Clark, A. N., & Lesher, C.E. (2015) Elastic properties of silicate melts at high pressure and implications for low velocity anomalies in the crust and mantle. AGU Annual Meeting.
  • Lesher, C.E., Gaudio, S., Clark, A.N., & O’Dwyer-Brown, L. (2015) The supercooled liquid at high pressure – the missing link? GoldschmidtAnnual Meeting.
  • Clark, A. N., Lesher, C.E., Jacobsen, S.D., Yu. T., & Wang, Y. (2015) Pressure dependent elastic properties of amorphous silicates by GHz frequency ultrasonic interferometry and high pressure X-ray microtomography. COMPRESAnnual Meeting.
  • Clark, A. N., Lesher, C.E., Jacobsen, S.D., & Wang, Y. (2015) Anomalous density and elastic properties of basalt at high pressure: Implications for reduction of seismic velocity in the Earth’s crust and upper mantle. Gordon Research Conference – Interior of the Earth.
  • Clark, A. N., Lesher, C.E., Jacobsen, S.D., Yu, T., & Wang, Y. (2014) Volumetric and elastic properties of basalt at high pressure by X-ray microtomography and GHz-ultrasonic interferometry. Eos Trans, AGU, Fall Meeting, Abstract MR33A-4368.
  • Clark, A. N., Lesher, C.E., Jacobsen, S.D., & Wang, Y. (2014) Pressure dependent elastic properties of basalt by GHz frequency ultrasonic interferometry and high pressure X-ray microtomography. COMPRESAnnual Meeting.
  • Clark, A. N., Jacobsen, S.D., & Lesher, C.E. (2014) Pressure Dependent Elastic Properties of Basalt by GHz Frequency Ultrasonic Interferometry. GoldschmidtAnnual Meeting.
  • Clark, A. N., Jacobsen, S.D., Sen, S., Wang, Y., & Lesher, C.E., (2013) The physical and elastic properties of silicate melts at high pressure: New insights from high pressure X-ray microtomography and gigahertz ultrasonic interferometry, CIDER 2013 Summer Program
  • Clark, A. N., Jacobsen, S.D., Sen, S., Wang, Y., & Lesher, C.E., (2012) Time-dependent elastic relaxation in vitreous silica: Combined synchrotron microtomography and diamond anvil cell ultrasonic measurements, Eos Trans, AGU, Fall Meeting, Abstract DI13D-2445.
  • Clark, A. N., Jacobsen, S.D., Sen. S., & Lesher, C.E. (2012) The time-dependent volume relaxation in vitreous silica characterized by Gigahertz ultrasonic interferometry. COMPRESAnnual Meeting
  • Clark, A. N., Lesher, C.E., Sen, S., Jacobsen, S.D., & Wang, Y. (2012) Anomalous compressibility of v-SiO2 illuminated: Polyamorphism and the effect of hydration. Glass and Optical Materials Division of the American Ceramic Society Annual Meeting.
  • Clark, A.N., Lesher, C.E., Sen, S., Jacobsen, S.D., & Wang, Y., (2011) . AGU Fall Meeting
  • Gleason, A.E., Clark, A.N., Mao, W.L., & Lesher, C.E. (2011) , AGUFall Meeting Abstracts 1, 03
  • Clark, A. N., Lesher, C.E., Sen, S., Jacobsen, S.D., & Wang, Y. (2011) Anomalous compressibility of vitreous silica characterized by high pressure X-ray microtomography and GHz ultrasonic interferometry. COMPRESAnnual Meeting.
  • Clark, A. N., Lesher, C.E., Sen, S., Gaudio, S.J., & Wang, Y. (2010) Compressibility of vitreous silica by high pressure X-ray microtomography, Eos Trans, AGU, Fall Meeting, Abstract MR31A-1975
  • Lesher, C.E., Gaudio, S., Brown, L. O., Clark, A., Sen, S., Yamada, A., & Wang, Y. (2010) On the transport properties of silicate melts at high pressure, Eos Trans, AGU, 91 (26), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract V33C-06
  • Clark, A. N., Lesher, C.E., Gaudio, S.J., & Wang, Y. (2010) Compressibility of Vitreous Silica by High Pressure X-ray Microtomography. COMPRES Annual Meeting
  • Clark, A. N., Lesher, C.E., Gaudio, S.J., Yamada, A., & Wang, Y. (2009) Density of BCR-2 basalt glass at high pressure by X-ray Absorption Microtomography, EosTrans, AGU, 90 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract MR13A-1669
  • Clark, A. N., Lesher, C.E., Gaudio, S.J., & Wang, Y. (2009) Density determinations using high pressure X-ray microtomography. COMPRES Annual Meeting.
  • Yamada, A., Lesher, C.E., Wang, Y., Gaudio, S.J., Clark, A., & Sanehira, T. (2009) Volumetric property of MgSiO3 glass with pressure. AIRAPT Conference.
  • Lesher, C.E., Wang, Y., Gaudio, S., Clark, A., Yamada, A., Sanehira, T. & Rivers, M. (2009) . AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 1, 04.
  • Watson, H.C., Roberts, J.J., Wang, Y., Lesher, C.E., Clark, A., Hilairet, N., & Sanehira, T. (2009) . AGUSpring Meeting Abstracts 1, 03.
  • Lesher, C.E., Clark, A., Walker, R., Egbert, H., Wang, Y., Zhang, J., & Zhao Y. (2009) . AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 1, 03.
  • Wang, Y., Lesher, C.E., Gaudio, S., Clark, A., Roberts, J., Sanehira, T., & Watson, H. (2008) AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1, 1800.
  • Lesher, C.E., Wang, Y., Gaudio, S.J., Clark, A., Sanehira, T., Yamada, A., & Roberts, J. (2008) X-ray microtomography under extreme conditions. Goldschmidt Conference.
  • Lesher, C.E., Wang, Y., Gaudio, S.J., Clark, A., & Rivers, M. (2007) . GoldschmidtConference.
  • Condron, C.L., Varga, T., Clark, A., Lesher, C.E., Navrotsky, A., Kauzlarich, S.M. (2006) . Abstract of the papers of the American Chemical Society. 232.
  • O’Dwyer, L., Lesher, C.E., Baxter, G., Clark, A., Fuss, T., Tangeman, J. & Wang, Y. (2005) . AGU American Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract MR13A-0062

Graduate 鶹Ժ

Lindsay Harrison (CU Boulder) – Ph.D. Advisor 2019-present

Melia Kendall (CU Boulder) – Ph.D. Advisor 2020-present

Tyler Wickland (CU Boulder) – Ph.D. Advisor 2020-present

Amanda Alexander (CU Boulder) – Ph.D. Committee Chair 2019-present

Elize Chavez (CU Boulder) – M.S. Committee Member 2020-2023

Spencer Zeigler (CU Boulder) – Ph.D. Committee Chair 2020-2022

Helle Skjetne (CU Boulder) – Ph.D. Committee Chair 2022-present

Samantha Rosenfeld (APS – CU Boulder) – Ph.D. de facto Advisor 2023-present

Holly Fortner (CU Boulder) – Ph.D. Committee Chair 2023-present

Honors and Awards

NSF Earth Science Postdoctoral Fellowship 2017 - 2019

“Linking elastic and electrical properties to investigate partial melting in the deep mantle”

PI: Alisha Clark

APS Science 2016 (Argonne National Laboratory outstanding research result) 2016

DIM OxyMORE Postdoctoral Fellowship 2016 - 2017

“The anomalous behavior of silicate liquids on densification: A combined X-ray tomography and Raman spectroscopy study at high pressure”

PI: Alisha Clark

Allen G. Marr Distinguished Dissertation Award Nominee 2016

UC Davis Earth and Planetary Sciences Department

COMPRES 2015 Springer Poster Award 2015

AGU Annual Meeting Outstanding Student Paper Award 2014

Professional Development

Learning by Design (Active Learning Academy – CU Boulder) 2019

Follow-up Peer Mentoring (Active Learning Academy – CU Boulder) 2020

Course RE/Design (Active Learning Academy – CU Boulder) 2020-2021

Early Career Geoscience Workshop (SERC and NAGT) 2020

CU Boulder College of Arts & Sciences Faculty Development Program (FDP) 2019-2020

Professional Memberships

Mineralogical Society of America 2007 - present

COMPRES 2009 - present

American Geophysical Union 2009 - present

Geological Society of America 2010 - present

American Ceramic Society 2012 - present

Geochemical Society 2014 - present

American Physics Society 2019 - present

Professional Service

23rd Biennial Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression

of Condensed Matter (SHOCK23) Technical Committee Member 2022-2023

AGU Fall Meeting Primary Convener (MR-21) 2021

NSF EAR Panel Review Member (3 panels) 2020-2022

Funding Agency Grant Reviewer (NSF, DOE) 2020-present

COMPRES Facilitates Committee 2019-2022

Goldschmidt Convener (Session 04f) 2017

Journal Reviewer (EPSL, PRB, PRL, GRL, JGR, AmMin, NatGeo) 2016-present

COMPRES Student and Postdoc Committee Chair 2015-2016

COMPRES Student and Postdoc Committee 2014-2016

Member COMPRES Graduate Student and Postdoc Association 2009-2019

Service to the University

CU Boulder (Geological Sciences) Student Awards Committee 2022

CU Boulder (Geological Sciences) Executive Committee 2022-2023

CU Boulder (Geological Sciences) Undergrad Curriculum Committee 2022-2023

Learning by Design (Active Learning Academy – CU Boulder) Course Facilitator 2021

Faculty Development Program - Panel Member 2020-2021

CU Boulder College of Arts & Sciences Faculty Development Program (FDP)

CU Boulder (Geological Sciences) Benson Chair Committee 2020-2021

CU Boulder (Geological Sciences) Rock Shop Oversite Committee 2020-present

CU Boulder (Geological Sciences) Space Committee 2019-present

CU Boulder (Geological Sciences) Colloquium Committee

Northwestern Nemmers’ Prize Seminar Coordinator 2018-2019

Northwestern Graduate Student Mentor (Jacobsen Laboratory) 2017-2019

UC Davis Geology Graduate Program Review participant 2010-2011

UC Davis undergraduate student mentor (Lesher Laboratory) 2009-2015

UC Davis “What We Do” Graduate Student Seminar Series Coordinator 2009-2010


The UnXplained with William Shatner (Expert) 2023

The History Channel (Yet to be aired) – Mysteries of the Earth

Scientific American (Expert) 2022

New Classification Reveals Just How Many Ways Minerals Form

Rock and Gem Magazine (Expert) 2022

What Does a Petrologist Do?

Science World Magazine (Expert) 2019

Giant Gemstone