Welcome and Thank you, ICS Executive Committee Announced for 2020-2021
ICS is delighted to welcome the 2020-2021 Executive Committee members and thank members who are rotating off the committee.
Welcome New ICS Executive Committee Members!Â
- Albert Kim (Associate Professor - ICS/Psych & NeuroSci)
- McKell Carston (Assistant Professor - ICS/Psych & NeuroSci)
- Quentin Biddy (Research Associate - ICS)
In a separate process, the graduate students selected their outstanding Executive Committee Representative.
- Abhijit Suresh (PhD Student - CS/NeuroSci/ICS)
We are grateful for the following members who will continue to serve on the Executive Committee for the second year:
- Leanne Hirshfield (Associate Research Professor - ICS)
- David Quigley (RA/Instructor - ICS/CS)
- Chenhao Tan (CS – ICS Fellow)
Ex Officio members who will continue to serve, thank you for your leadership:
- Donna Caccamise (ICS Associate Director)
- Matt Jones (CRT Director)
- Nicole Speer (INC Director of Operations)
- Tamara Sumner (ICS Director)
Thank you to the following members who gave ICS their two-year term of service and are stepping down. We are grateful for your dedication and participation.
- Cinnamon Bidwell (Assistant Professor - ICS )
- James Martin (Professor - ICS/CS)Â
- Norielle Adricula (PhD Student Dept of Linguistics/ICS)
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