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William Raseman, PhD Student's Drinking Water Research Featured in CU News

PhD student William Raseman was recently featured on an article written byCU Engineering.

Raseman is using his research to try and optimize drinking water infastructure to prevent futuredisasters from crippling water municipalities.Working under EVEN , Raseman is building software programs toassess the impact of climate and environmental change on drinking water decisions. Raseman's computer programsimulates potential climate induced disasters and thengenerates possible solutions to them.

An example of the importance of his research can be found close to home. A Fort Collins water treatmeat plant recently had to cut off their water intake from ariver due to a nearby wildfire. The extreme sediment buildup made the water 'untreatable' for 100 days. During that time, the plant had access to a reservoir as a backup,but what would have happened if the backup source was not available.

“What if there was a drought at that time? What if they didn’t have access to that water over 100 days? When would it be possible to treat the river again? These are the questions we’re trying to find solutions to.”

Way to go Billy!