Student Travel Support Request Guidelines

The College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) and most departments and programs provide support to students traveling to conferences and other events.

In general, students receive only funding from the departments/programs in which they major. In some cases, conferences/events need to meet specific requirements to qualify for support from a particular department/program. Furthermore, support from departments and the college may require that students receive (or at least have applied for) funding from sources external to the CEAS and/or from faculty.

To apply for funding, please, read the followingguidelinesfirst, gather the required material and documentation, and only then fill out the travel support application form, the link to which is given at the bottom of this page.

Please, be aware of the following requirements:

  • 鶹Ժ can expect an approval/denial notification within 10 business days after submission of the travel support request form.
  • In general, the travel support requestform must be submitted 45 or more days before the start of the travel. Requests submitted later will be processed with lower priority and approval/denial notifications may not be sent out within 10 business days. Some departments/programs, such as Mechanical Engineering, have separate deadlines for receiving funding requests; see Department/Program specific requirements.
  • In the case of several students of a group or team, e.g., a senior design project, requesting funding, only one student of the group must submit the form. If team members major in different programs, one student per major program must submit the form.
  • Submission of incorrect or incomplete information will cause a delay in processing the request and may lead to denial of the travel support request.

Guidelines for Student Travel Support Request Form

The form gathers all the information needed to determine for which travel support you qualify, such as department, program, or College support.You need to fill out all the required information. You won’t be able to advance to the next page of the form if you have not provided the required information.

The form is organized intothe following components:

  • Provide your name, CU email address, and student ID.
  • Select whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student. If you participate in a BAM program, use your current status.
  • Select your major. If you major in two programs, select both. Please, see for additional information at the bottom of the major selection menu.
  • Provide the name of the conference of the conference/event.
  • Indicate whether the main focus of the conference/event is educational or research. If it is neither, please, select “Other” and state the focus.Examples of "other events"include committee meetings to prepare a conference or organizational meetings of a student society.
  • Provide the name of the organization that is the main sponsor of the conference/event. Usually, this is a professional organization, a student organization, or a university.
  • Select whether the conference/event is for underrepresented groups or focused on supporting and promoting inclusion and/or diversity and/or equity in Engineering.
  • Give the location of the conference/event and if available a link to the conference/event website.
  • Select if you have a presentation at the conference/event, and if yes, provide the presentation title. If you travel as a team and multiple team members give presentations, give all presentation titles, separated by commas.
  • Please, upload documentation that shows that you have been invited to attend the conference and/or, in case you give a presentation, that your presentation has been accepted. Note that you can upload only a single PDF file. Uploading a file is optional but may be required to receive support from particular departments/programs.
  • Provide travel start and end dates, as well as conference/event start and end dates.
  • Select whether the travel is international. Please note that international travel may require additional approval (see information above).
  • If you request support on behalf of a team (see also general requirement above), provide the CU email addresses and major(s)of all team members.
  • Do not enter yourself as a team member as your information has already been captured on an earlier web form page.
  • You can add up to 15 teammembers, not including yourself. If your group has more than 15 members, please, email the names, email addresses, and majors of the students you cannot enter in theform.
  • Please, note that if you travel as a group but each group member submits an individual travel request, the applications may be denied, or processing may be delayed.

  • Provide a breakdown of the anticipated costs. In the case of group travel, enter the total amount for the entire group.
  • Please, note the requirements and restrictions for qualified expenses.
  • Please, select whether you have applied for or received funding outside CEAS, such as campus entities (Graduate school, Center for Student Involvement, United Government of Graduate 鶹Ժ, etc.) and professional organizations. In the case you did, please select the organization(s) from the list or select “Others” and enter the funding source. Please, note that some departments/programs require that students have applied for funding outside CEAS; see information for individual departments/programs.
  • If you have applied/received funding outside CEAS, upload documentation, such as submission forms, emails, etc. Note that only one single PDF file can be uploaded.
  • Please, select whether you have received commitments from faculty to co-sponsor your travel. Please, note that some departments/programs require that students receive support from faculty; see information for individual departments/programs.
  • If you receive support from a faculty, please provide the faculty contact information. In case you receive funding from multiple faculty, please, provide the name of the primary faculty (e.g., the faculty who leads your research project or provides the most funding).
  • If you receive funding from faculty, enter the amount the faculty provides and the account number (also referred to as Speed Type). Please, ask the faculty for this information. If the faculty prefersnot to provide this information, leave this field empty.
  • If you receive funding from faculty, upload documentation showing the faculty commitment, such as an email. Note that only one single PDF file can be uploaded.

Depending on your major, your department/program may have additional requirements. Please, see the list below. Please, select "Other Departments and Programs" if your major is not explicitly listed.

The goal of the Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences (AES)travel grants is to support aerospace students in participating in regional and national conferences hosted by (1) professional societies for specific affinity groups and/or (2) groups focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion in engineering.

鶹Ժreceiving funding through AES will be required to(1) present their experiences to students and faculty in the department, and (2) complete a Q&A about their travel experience that will be featured in the AES newsletter.

A student can receive travel supportonly once from AES.

In the travel request form:

  • To receive funding, you must acknowledge the AES requirements.
  • Please, indicate whether you have received travel support from AES before.
  • Please briefly describe (3-5 sentences) your group's goals (or your personal and professional development goals for individual grants) in attending this conference.
  • Please briefly describe (3-5 sentences) how you will carry your learning at the conference back to CU to benefit the larger CU Boulder community.

ATLAS encourages graduatestudents to advance their own academic, professional, and career development through the publication and presentation of papers and/or attendance at conferences, seminars, symposia, and workshops. Funds are available through ATLAS and are intended to offset the travel costs associated with the presentation of papers, posters, research products or creative work. All ATLAS graduate students are eligible.

Please note that in order to be eligible for ATLAS travel funding, you must acknowledge your affiliation to the ATLAS Institute in your application form, all published papers, presentations, and conference listings.You will need to demonstrate that you've complied with this requirement by uploading documentation. Documentation may include photos, PDFs of posters, links to presentations,copies of conference paperwork etc. If your ATLAS affiliation is not consistently acknowledged across all of your conference materials, funding may not be awarded.

Because ATLAS funds are limited, we will only accept travel fund requests from students who have pursued the following opportunities and resources first:

  • Ask your advisor or research sponsor first. Your research contract or advisor’s discretionary account should be your primary support for travel; see Funding from faculty.
  • Apply for any fellowships, travel funds, or student volunteer opportunities offered by the conference organizers and/or sponsors; see External funding outside CEAS.
  • Apply for the United Government of Graduate 鶹Ժ (UGGS) travel fund; see External funding outside CEAS.
  • You can only receive travel support from thedepartment once per year.

In the travel support form:

  • Select whether you have received travel support through ATLAS in the past and, if yes, when you received funding the last time. Enter the month and year of the conference/event.
  • To receive funding, you must acknowledge travel support through ATLAS in all published papers, presentations, and conference listings.

The goal of the Biomedical Engineering (BME) Program travel grants is to support BME undergraduates in participating in regional and national conferences for research, leadership, and networking purposes.Applicants must be making a presentation at the conference or be an officer in a CU student society associated with the conference.鶹Ժ receiving funding through BME will be required to complete a Q&A about their travel experience.

Grants may be requested up to $500 for individuals and $1,500 for groups (3 or more students) or one-half of the estimated costs, whichever is less.

A student can receive travel supportonly once per year from BME.

The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering accepts applications for travel support for undergraduate students majoring in Chemical and/or Biological Engineering to attend research conferences and other educational/professional development events, up to a maximum amount of $750 (subject to availability of funds).

For students attending research conferences, you will need to present a research paper; see Conference/event information. In addition, you must have faculty funding that at least matches the Department contribution. Under "Funding from CEAS Faculty",please include a letter from the faculty member confirming this funding and briefly justifying why department-matching funds are needed to support attendance.

You can only receive travel support from thedepartment once per year.

In the travel request form:

  • Select whether you have received travel support through the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering in the past and, if yes, when you received funding the last time. Enter the month and year of the conference/event.
  • In case you do not meet the requirements of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering above and you were granted an exception by the Department, please select the corresponding option and upload documentation showing the exception. Note that only one single PDF file can be uploaded.

The Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering supports travel for undergraduate students majoring in civil or architectural engineering and graduate students in civil engineering, architectural engineering, and environmental engineering MS thesis and PhD programs.

The Department supports undergraduate student travel to ASCE competitions and for NSBE and SHPE conference networking events; see Conference/event information.

A student can receive travel support only once from the Department.

In the travel request form:

  • Please, select whether you have received travel support from the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering in the past.

The Department of Computer Science supports students and student groups traveling to a conference or competition that provides significant professional development opportunities.

鶹Ժ can receive only one-time travel support from this department.

In the travel request form:

  • Please, select whether you have received travel support from the Department of Computer Science in the past.

The goal of the Department of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering (ECEE) travel grants is to support ECEE students by participating at regional and national conferences hosted by (1) professional societies for specific affinity groups and/or (2) groups focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion in engineering.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering accepts applications for travel grants for up to $250 for in-state conferences and up to $750 for out-of-state conferences. These awards are given to facilitate educational and professional development through conference participation by a student presenting a paper or poster. PhD students are given preference, but highly qualified MS students are encouraged to apply. Applications are accepted throughout the academic year and are reviewed by the Graduate Committee.

The awards are given as scholarship money and will be applied to your CU account. If your account balance is zero, then a refund will be issued to you. Scholarships can be applied for only during the fall and spring semesters.

Funding is contingent upon formal acceptance of an abstract. Application requirements include:

  1. Copy of abstract or evidence of poster submitted to a conference for presentation
  2. Written request to the Graduate Committee with the following:
  • Student’s name, degree plan, and expected graduation
  • Destination & name of conference
  • Summary of request, including a description of benefits & opportunities
  • Estimated expenses
  • Amount requested
  • Description of additional financial support, if any
  • Name of faculty advisor(s)
  • Signature from faculty advisor(s) showing support for request

Note:If proof of acceptance of paper/poster is not available at the time of your application, funds will not be awarded until such proof is submitted. Please note that if proof of acceptance is provided during the summer, funds may not be able to be applied until the beginning of the following fall semester.

Deadlines:Spring semester awards: Please apply by April 12, Fall semester awards: Please apply by October 20.

In the travel request form:

  • Please, select whether travel support has been approved by the graduate committee of the Mechanical Engineering Department.
  • If yes, please, enter the amount you received from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and upload documentation that states the approved funding amount. Note that only one single PDF file can be uploaded.

In the case that you major in a department/program that is not listed above, please, contact them directly for departmental/program support.

In the travel request form:

  • Select whether your major department/program provides you with travel support.
  • If you receive funding from your major department, enter the amount your major department has committed to fund your travel and the account number (Speed Type) that your major department/program will charge its contribution to your travel. Ask the department/program for this information. If the department/program prefers not to provide this information, leave the field blank.
  • If you receive funding from your major department, upload documentation showing the department’s commitment. Note that only one single PDF file can be uploaded.

The following information is gathered to determine whether you qualify for additional funding.

The College of Engineering and Applied Science provides matching funds for undergraduate and graduate students.

Dean’s Matching Travel Grants are limited to a maximum of $300 for North American travel (US, Canada, & Mexico), and $400 for international travel. Group support islimited to a maximum award of $1,500 for the group.Funds are limited and are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis throughout the academic year (August 1 – July 31).

Please, note the following requirements:

  • These grants will only matchfunding from a Department, Program, or Advisor within the College. Other travel awards/grants orfunding from non-CEAS programs/departments do not qualify for matching.
  • Graduate 鶹Ժ must first apply for, and be denied, funding through the Graduate School before submitting this application. This CEAS funding for graduate students is intended to replace the Graduate School's travel grants when those funds are exhausted.
  • Conference and competition participants must attach proof of acceptance or invitation at the time of application. Incomplete applications will not be considered, see Conference/Event Information.
  • Only one award per student per academic year will be granted.

In the travel request form:

  • Please, select whether you already received support from the Dean's Student Travel Matching Fund. In case you did, please, enter the date when you received support from this fund the last time.
  • If you are a graduate student, please select whether have you applied for, and been denied, funding through the Graduate School. In case you have, please, upload appropriate documentation, such as a notification from the Graduate School. Note you can only upload a single PDF file.

The BOLD Center supports students belonging to a BOLD-affiliated student society.See a list of societies that can be found here.

To receive support through the BOLD Center, you must be an active member of one of the societies and one of these societies must have you selected for attending the conference/event. Priority is given to students who have not previously attended a conference.

In the travel support request form:

  • Please, select whether you belong to a BOLD-affiliated student society.
  • Please, select which society has selected you to attend the conference/event. Please, select all applicable societies or “None”.
  • Select whether you have a scholarship through the BOLD Center.
  • Select whether you ever attended a national or regional conference with any organization at CU Boulder.
  • In 3-4 sentences, describe how this conference will specifically contribute to your professional development goals.

To receive travel support, you must acknowledge that you will comply with all requirements associated with your funding request and with CU’s travel policies.

Before submitting the form, please, ensure the correctness and completeness of the data.

Complete Travel Request Support Form

Please, note that depending on your major and funding sources, filling out the form may take up to 20minutes or more. This estimate assumesthat you have all the required documentation prepared.

If you have questions about the travel support request, please contact