To thrive in today’s rapidly changing, global, dynamic business environment characterized by constant change and disruption, organizations must be able to adapt and innovate to maintain their competitive edge.
In Rob Stites updated edition of Organized Proverbs: Contrasts in Wisdom from the Holy Bible, readers are invited to apply the wisdom from the book of Proverbs, organized by topic, to their own personal lives.
During a difficult time, Karen Auvinen flees to a primitive cabin in the Rockies to live in solitude as a writer and to embrace all the beauty and brutality nature has to offer. What she found was a community.
Set in New York City, Denver and the mountains of Colorado, the Bahamas, and the Scottish Highlands, Graydon “Dee” Hubbard’s novel At the Altars of Money captures an American ethos about money and scripts the financial meltdown of 2008.
After 40 years of research, Jean-Paul Valette and Rebecca Valette published the book Navajo Weavings with Ceremonial Themes: A Historical Overview of a Secular Art Form.