
  • Assistant Professor

Ìý ÌýArmory 1B27

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Assistant ProfessorÌýColette PeroldÌýresearches the relationship betweenÌýmedia technologies, labor and U.S. foreign policy,Ìýspecifically the ways in which multinationalÌýIT companies shape U.S. foreignÌýpolicy priorities in Latin America. Her current project drawsÌýfrom the businessÌýhistory of computing and political economy of media industries to analyzeÌýtheÌýrelationship between the U.S.-based IT sector and U.S. foreign policy in BrazilÌýprior toÌýmodern computing. Her research has been funded by various sourcesÌýincluding the HagleyÌýLibrary, the TinkerÌýFoundation, and the Charles Babbage Institute, where she received the 2019-2020 Tomash Fellowship. Her article "IBM's World Citizens: Valentim Boucas and the Politics of IT Expansion in Authoritarian Brazil" won the 2021 Mahoney Prize for outstanding article in the history of computing and information technology from the Society for the History of Technology's Special Interest Group for Computing, Information, and Society. She most recently received the 2022-2023 Brooke Hindle Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Society for the History of Technology.

Perold earned her PhD fromÌýthe Department of Media, Culture and Communication at New YorkÌýUniversity.ÌýPrior to her PhD she worked as a labor organizer and as an editor for theÌýNACLAÌýReport on the Americas, a quarterly journal on Latin American politics andÌýsocialÌýmovements.

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