Climate Change after Paris (2/22/16)

The "Western Civ Dialogue" series presents:
Climate Change after Paris
Monday, Feb. 22, 2016
7 p.m.
Eaton Humanities Room 150
University of Colorado Boulder
Free and open to the public.
For 21 years, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change has been seeking to forge a global agreement to address climate change. A panel of specialists representing a range of perspectives will address some of the dominant moral questions raised by the Paris meetings, including questions of fairness between rich and poor, of responsibility between states, and of what sort of procedures might yield a viable yet just outcome.
- , White House Bureau Chief, The Washington Post
- , Senior Advisor to the U.S. Special Envoy on Climate Change and Director, Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy, George Mason University
- , Associate Professor of Philosophy, York University
- Jesse Vogel, Washington, D.C. consultant on climate
- , Professor for International Political Theory, Goethe University Frankfurt
- , CU-Boulder’s first visiting scholar in conservative thought and policy
Sponsored by the:
Center for Western Civilization, Thought and Policy (CWCTP)
Eaton Humanities Building
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