
  • Assistant Professor

Office: SEEC S295A


  • B.C.E, University of Minnesota, (2007),
  • Ph.D., Cornell UniversityÌý(2013)

Office: SEEC S295A

Honors and Distinctions:

  • 40 Under 40, American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists, 2025
  • National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, 2008

Recent Publications

  1. Mansfeldt, C., Achermann, S., Men, Y., Walser, J., Villez, K., Joss, A., Johnson, D., and Fenner, K. 2019. Microbial residence time is a controlling parameter of the taxonomic and functional-enzyme composition of microbial communities. ISMEJ. 13(6), 1589.
  2. Heavner, G., Mansfeldt, C., Wilkins, M., Nicora, C., Debs, G., Edwards, E., & Richardson, R. 2019. Detection of organohalide-respiring enzyme biomarkers at a bioaugmented TCE-contaminated field site. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10.
  3. Achermann, S., Falås, P., Joss, A., Mansfeldt, C., Men, Y., Vogler, B., & Fenner, K. 2018. Trends in micropollutant biotransformation along a solids retention time gradient. Environmental Science & Technology. 52(20):11601–11611. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.8b02763
  4. Achermann, S., Bianco, V., Mansfeldt, C., Vogler, B., Kolvenbach, B., Corvini, P., & Fenner, K. 2018. Biotransformation of sulfonamide antibiotics in activated sludge: The formation of pterin-conjugates leads to sustained risk. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(11):6265-6274. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.7b06716
  5. Heavner, G., Mansfeldt, C., Debs, G., Hellerstedt, S., Rowe, A., & Richardson, R. 2018. Biomarkers’ responses to reductive dechlorination rates and oxygen stress in bioaugmentation culture KB-1TM. Microorganisms, 6(1):13. DOI:10.3390/microorganisms6010013
  6. Richter, L., Mansfeldt, C., Kuan, M., Cesare, A., Menefee, S., Richardson, R., & Ahner, B. 2018. Altered microbiome leads to significant phenotypic and transcriptomic differences in a lipid accumulating chlorophyte. Environmental Science & Technology, 52 (12):6854–6863. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.7b06581.
  7. Mansfeldt, C., Richter, L., Ahner, B., Cochlan, W., & Richardson, R. 2016. Use of de novo transcriptome libraries to characterize a novel oleaginous marine Chlorella species during the accumulation of triacylglycerols. PloS One, 11(2). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0147527
  8. Mansfeldt, C., Heavner, G., Rowe, A., Hayete, B., Church, B., & Richardson, R. 2016. Inferring gene networks for strains of Dehalococcoides highlights conserved relationships between genes encoding core catabolic and cell-wall structural proteins. PloS One, 11(11). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0166234
  9. Mansfeldt, C., Logsdon, B., Debs, G., & Richardson, R. 2015. SPINE: SParse eIgengene NEtwork linking gene expression clusters in Dehalococcoides mccartyi to perturbations in experimental conditions. PloS One, 10(2). DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0118404.