Karolin Luger /biochemistry/ en CU Boulder distinguished professor Karolin Luger is awarded the 2023 World Laureates Association Prize in Life Sciences or Medicine /biochemistry/2023/09/14/cu-boulder-distinguished-professor-karolin-luger-awarded-2023-world-laureates-association CU Boulder distinguished professor Karolin Luger is awarded the 2023 World Laureates Association Prize in Life Sciences or Medicine Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 09/14/2023 - 09:57 Categories: Faculty Highlights Tags: Karolin Luger

University of Colorado Boulder researcher Karolin Luger, a distinguished professor of biochemistry and Jennie Smoly Caruthers Endowed Chair of Biochemistry, has been awarded the 2023 World Laureates Association Prize in Life Science or Medicine.

The award, announced Thursday morning in Shanghai, China, recognizes Luger’s deep body of research “elucidating the structure of the nucleosome at the atomic level, providing the basis for understanding chromatin, gene regulation and epigenetics,” the award citation notes.

The  (WLA) Prize is an international science prize established in 2021 that recognizes researchers and technologists worldwide for their contributions to science. It aims to “support global science and technology advancement, address the challenges to humanity and promote society's long-term progress,” according to the WLA.

Read more about this year's WLA Prize...

Also featured in local media: Colorado Arts and Sciences Magazine and 


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Thu, 14 Sep 2023 15:57:19 +0000 Anonymous 1447 at /biochemistry
Karolin Luger is one of a select group of professors to be recognized as a Distinguished Professor, the highest honor bestowed upon faculty members /biochemistry/2023/02/15/karolin-luger-one-select-group-professors-be-recognized-distinguished-professor-highest Karolin Luger is one of a select group of professors to be recognized as a Distinguished Professor, the highest honor bestowed upon faculty members Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 02/15/2023 - 07:06 Categories: Faculty Highlights Tags: Awards Karolin Luger

With a vote by the CU Board of Regents, the University of Colorado recently recognized Karolin Luger as a Distinguished Professor—the highest honor bestowed upon faculty across the system’s four campuses.  

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Wed, 15 Feb 2023 14:06:06 +0000 Anonymous 1332 at /biochemistry
PhD student, professor win major inclusivity fellowship /biochemistry/2021/08/02/phd-student-professor-win-major-inclusivity-fellowship PhD student, professor win major inclusivity fellowship Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 08/02/2021 - 10:01 Categories: Faculty Highlights Graduate Student Highlights Tags: Awards Karolin Luger Colorado Arts and Sciences Magazine

Briana Aboulache and Karolin Luger win Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gilliam fellowship, which looks to build a more inclusive scientific environment

Briana Aboulache, a graduate student at the University of Colorado Boulder, and her advisor, Biochemistry Professor Karolin Luger, have won a significant fellowship that aims to advance diversity and inclusion in science.

Aboulache and Luger are among 50 student-advisor duos to win a 2021 Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Gilliam fellowships, the . The awards are bestowed to graduate students conducting outstanding research and their advisers, and are targeted toward those who are committed to building a more inclusive scientific ecosystem. 



Briana Aboulache



For up to three years, each adviser-student pair will receive an annual award totaling $50,000. This year’s fellows’ research includes studying how malaria parasite broods destroy red blood cells and trying to identify the source of pollution behind harmful algal blooms in a river used by the Seneca Nation and other communities.

“I was struck by the scientific maturity of these students,” says David Asai, HHMI’s senior director for science education. 

“They’re all doing great science, and they can talk about it in a way that people understand.” What’s more, he adds, their advisers are serious and thoughtful about their role as mentors and their plans to create healthy academic cultures at their universities.

Aboulache is pursuing a PhD in biochemistry and is in her third year in Luger’s lab. She studies how the chromatin remodeling protein SMARCAD1 interacts with nucleosomes during DNA repair, transcription and replication.

Luger said she has always believed that training the next generation of scientists is her most important and primary task. 




We should expect to see talented students and scientists from underrepresented groups on college campuses and across all of science.​"


“One really good way to increase the diversity of scientists at all levels, be that academia, industry or outreach, is a tailored mentoring approach,” she said, adding: “I am so grateful to HHMI for recognizing this need and for providing me with the tools to become a better and more inclusive mentor.” 

She said she looks forward to meeting other colleagues and their students to make the scientific endeavor better reflect the general population.

Aboulache said she was “extremely honored” to receive the Gilliam Award. “I am excited to be surrounded by great scientists, leaders and activists aimed at producing cutting-edge research while also increasing diversity in the sciences.”

Aboulache praised Luger as an exemplary role model. “She is an excellent, highly motivated leader who produces remarkable science and also cares deeply about her students and lab members.” 

“As I continue to develop and mature as a scientist, I look forward to mentoring students in the lab and the classroom, and hope to one day go into teaching. I plan on instilling the valuable and effective leadership strategies that have helped me develop as a scientist to empower others to succeed,” Aboulache said. 

Noting her own work to foster an inclusive environment in science, Aboulache said she hopes to continue creating a work environment “where people take the time to understand each other’s point of view, build trust, and align in a shared mission to perform revolutionary science that is accessible to everyone.” 



Karolin Luger



She added: “My goal is to excite future generations about science and empower diverse groups to make meaningful impacts on the world.”

Mentorship is a Gilliam hallmark, says the HHMI, that’s sparking a “cultural shift” on campuses. Since its inception in 2004, HHMI’s Gilliam Program has worked to ensure that students from populations historically excluded and underrepresented in science are prepared to become scientific leaders. 

To retain as many of these students as possible in PhD programs, it’s crucial to provide high-quality mentoring, as well as financial support, an inclusive lab environment and a supportive community, Asai says.

In total, the Gilliam Program has now selected 351 fellows, and, from 2015 to 2021, the program has focused heavily on developing academic mentors. To date, the program, in collaboration with the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER), has trained 199 mentors on how to create an environment that helps students of all backgrounds feel like they belong—in the lab and in science. 

Gilliam advisers participate in a year of mentor development activities that emphasize cultural awareness, including monthly online training and two in-person workshops at HHMI headquarters in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Together, the activities teach advisers how to listen and engage across cultures.

By training mentors and supporting the growing Gilliam community, the program aims to make the academic environment inclusive so that students see themselves in science. Eventually, Asai hopes, this will increase the diversity of scientists at the faculty level. 

“Diversity in science should be the norm,” he says. “We should expect to see talented students and scientists from underrepresented groups on college campuses and across all of science.”

Members of the Gilliam community also support each other outside of the annual meeting. Fellows regularly celebrate one another’s successes and provide updates on their career journeys on social media. 

And since 2017, the program has maintained a listserv where alumni and fellows can ask for career advice and post job opportunities. Even though some have never met in person, members of the community often answer questions and share their experiences. 

HHMI created the Gilliam Fellowships for Advanced Study in honor of the late James H. Gilliam, Jr. A charter trustee of HHMI, Gilliam was a respected business and civic leader who spent his life nurturing excellence and diversity in science and education.

Briana Aboulache and Karolin Luger win Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gilliam fellowship, which looks to build a more inclusive scientific environment window.location.href = `/asmagazine/2021/08/02/phd-student-professor-win-major-inclusivity-fellowship`;


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Mon, 02 Aug 2021 16:01:32 +0000 Anonymous 1430 at /biochemistry
Popular breast cancer drugs don’t work the way we thought they did /biochemistry/2021/02/04/popular-breast-cancer-drugs-dont-work-way-we-thought-they-did Popular breast cancer drugs don’t work the way we thought they did Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 02/04/2021 - 13:39 Categories: Faculty Highlights Tags: Karolin Luger Publications Published: Feb. 3 2021 • By Lisa Marshall

Some of the most commonly used drugs for treating hereditary breast and ovarian cancers may not work the way we thought they did, according to new CU Boulder research.

window.location.href = `/today/2021/02/03/popular-breast-cancer-drugs-dont-work-way-we-thought-they-did`;


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Thu, 04 Feb 2021 20:39:50 +0000 Anonymous 1255 at /biochemistry
With NIH grant, CU Boulder to become national center of cryoelectron tomography /biochemistry/2020/09/21/nih-grant-cu-boulder-become-national-center-cryoelectron-tomography With NIH grant, CU Boulder to become national center of cryoelectron tomography Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 09/21/2020 - 00:00 Categories: Department Highlights Faculty Highlights Tags: Awards Karolin Luger

The University of Colorado Boulder will be one of four national centers designed to advance the application of cryoelectron tomography (cryoET), which helps visualize in 3-D the fine-structure of intact cells and tissues, the National Institutes of Health announced (NIH) today.

window.location.href = `/asmagazine/2020/09/21/nih-grant-cu-boulder-become-national-center-cryoelectron-tomography`;


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Mon, 21 Sep 2020 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 1233 at /biochemistry
Meet DNA’s chaperone /biochemistry/2019/11/26/meet-dnas-chaperone Meet DNA’s chaperone Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 11/26/2019 - 00:00 Categories: Faculty Highlights Tags: Karolin Luger Publications Published: Nov. 26 2019 • By Cay Leytham-Powell

Researchers have discovered the structure of the FACT protein—a mysterious protein central to the functioning of DNA

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Tue, 26 Nov 2019 07:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 1147 at /biochemistry
National Academy of Sciences inducts 2 CU Boulder professors /biochemistry/2018/05/10/national-academy-sciences-inducts-2-cu-boulder-professors National Academy of Sciences inducts 2 CU Boulder professors Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 05/10/2018 - 08:51 Categories: Faculty Highlights Tags: Awards Karolin Luger Natalie Ahn Pioneering biochemists Natalie Ahn and Karolin Luger have been inducted into the National Academy of Sciences, an honor that recognizes "distinguished and continuing achievements in original research." Membership in the prestigious organization is widely considered to be one of the highest honors that a scientist can receive. window.location.href = `/today/2018/05/07/national-academy-sciences-inducts-2-cu-boulder-professors`;


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Thu, 10 May 2018 14:51:52 +0000 Anonymous 932 at /biochemistry
Microbe may explain evolutionary origins of DNA folding /biochemistry/2017/08/11/microbe-may-explain-evolutionary-origins-dna-folding Microbe may explain evolutionary origins of DNA folding Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 08/11/2017 - 10:44 Categories: Faculty Highlights Tags: Karolin Luger Publications In the cells of palm trees, humans, and some single-celled microorganisms, DNA gets bent the same way. Now, by studying the 3-D structure of proteins bound to DNA in microbes called Archaea, CU Boulder and Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) researchers have turned up surprising similarities to DNA packing in more complicated organisms. window.location.href = `http://www.colorado.edu/today/2017/08/10/microbe-may-explain-evolutionary-origins-dna-folding`;


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Fri, 11 Aug 2017 16:44:58 +0000 Anonymous 818 at /biochemistry
Biochemist, philosopher join American Academy of Arts and Sciences /biochemistry/2017/07/18/biochemist-philosopher-join-american-academy-arts-and-sciences Biochemist, philosopher join American Academy of Arts and Sciences Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 07/18/2017 - 10:26 Categories: Faculty Highlights Tags: Awards Karolin Luger CU Boulder philosopher Alison Jaggar and biochemist Karolin Luger are among 228 new members of the academy, which includes some of the world’s most accomplished scholars, scientists, writers, artists, business people and philanthropic leaders, the academy said in a statement. window.location.href = `http://www.colorado.edu/asmagazine/2017/04/12/biochemist-philosopher-join-american-academy-arts-and-sciences`;


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Tue, 18 Jul 2017 16:26:27 +0000 Anonymous 806 at /biochemistry