Helio Lab

Digital image of a bright-green, caterpillar-like image against a starry night sky and bare trees.
Helio Lab Hours

Monday: 12:30-2pm AJ Terio (alte3401@colorado.edu)
Wednesday: 3:30-5pm Jordyn Rabinowitz (jora8609@colorado.edu)
Thursday: 2-4pm Esther San Diego (essa1964@colorado.edu)


Exposing human experience through the capture and interpretation of light and data.

The Helio Lab is a teaching lab dedicated to the technical capture, the exposure, the writing, reading and viewing of the human experience.

Heliography is the act of combining the “sun” with “writing”–a form of transcription through light. At the Helio Lab we use technology to capture the human experience. Photographs were once solely deemed physical objects–objects of fine art, of family archive, of evidence of record–but today the ubiquity of digital photography - including everything from act of capture, the act of “sharing” (or simple distribution), to the act of viewing - has rendered the Image a digital object, contained and composed of data. And just as a camera’s hardware is limited by what it can “see” and of what we can expose, so are the remarkable limitations of what can be held by data.

Helio Lab Director

Helio Lab Assistants

Helio Lab Former Assistants