
Electriflow demo book

Vegetable oil-filled thin poly sheets configured using a modified CNC machine show promise for the development of flexible pumps, valves and actuators, opening the door to new shape-changing interfaces that are low-cost, modular, soft and conformable. This is a collaboration with the in mechanical engineering at CU Boulder.


Associated Researchers


Purnendu,Sasha Novack, Eric Acome,Mirela Alistar, Christoph Keplinger,Mark D. Gross,Carson Bruns, and Daniel Leithinger. 2021. “”. In: ACM SIGGRAPH 2021 Labs (SIGGRAPH '21). (August 6, 2021)

Purnendu,Sasha M Novack, Eric Acome, Christoph Keplinger,Mirela Alistar,Mark D Gross,Carson Bruns, and Daniel Leithinger. 2021. "". In: Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021. (June 28-July 2,2021Virtual Event).

Purnendu, Eric Acome, Christoph Keplinger,Mark D. Gross,Carson Bruns,Daniel Leithinger. 2021. "". In: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI '21 Extended Abstracts). (Yokohama, Japan–May 8-13, 2021).