Bernadette Stewart

  • Assistant Dean of Administration
  • Appointing Authority
  • Organizational Development & Succession Planning
  • Compensation
  • Leave
  • Resignation & Retirement

Old Main, Room 2-51

Personnel Administration, Director of Personnel


    • Director of Personnel
      • Collaborate with the College of Arts and Sciences personnel managers and assistants, and set priorities
        • Identify process improvement opportunities
        • Support partnerships with campus stakeholders, in conjunction with college leadership
        • Allocate resources to implement change
      • Enforces University and College policies
    • Appointing Authority (for all university and classified staff in the College of Arts and Sciences)
      • Define positions
        • Works with the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA)'s Human Resource Manager to identify positions for redefinition
        • Approve positions once reviewed by ASPA Human Resource Manager and campus human resources
      • Approves hiring
        • Reviews and approves classified and university staff Action Authorization/Memorandum of Understanding forms
        • Reviews and approves classified staff offer letters
      • Administers corrective/disciplinary action
        • Investigates complaint by conducting meetings with necessary stakeholders and collecting relevant documentation
        • Determines action
        • Drafts action
        • Issues action to necessary stakeholders
      • Determines work hours including meal periods and breaks
        • Sets expectation regarding work hours and meal periods and breaks in conjunction with college deans
      • Identifies positions to be created or abolished
        • Reviews department positions and consults deans about department "full-time employee" allocation
        • Initiates position creation by working with human resource manager to start paperwork
        • Initiates abolishment via layoff and/or reorganization process
      • Assigns employees to positions
        • Appoints employees to positions as needed
      • Evaluates performance
        • Assists department supervisors with setting and articulating expectations
        • Reviews and approves performance plans and evaluations
      • Communicates requirements and rights under state personnel board rules
    • Organizational Development & Succession Planning
      • Conducts organizational analysis, which involves collaboration with departments, and college and campus stakeholders
      • Initiates "full-time employee" reallocation by working with human resource manager to complete paperwork
    • Compensation
      • Initiates compression analysis and makes budget requests to address compression
      • Approves/Denies permanent classified and university staff salary requests
      • Approves/Denies temporary classified and university staff salary requests
    • Leave
      • Clarifies and communicates university and classified staff leave policy and procedures to employees
      • Administers Family and Medical Leave paperwork (Employee Rights and Responsibilities, Medical Certification, Fitness-to-Return, and Designation) by completing paperwork for classified staff
      • Advises departments on administering Family and Medical Leave paperwork (Employee Rights and Responsibilities, Medical Certification, Fitness-to-Return, and Designation) for university staff
      • Facilitates "Americans with Disabilities Act" recommendation implementation with department manager for classified and university staff
      • Approves bereavement leave and administrative leave for university and classified staff
        • Staff request approval from Appointing Authority.  Once approval is given leave is recorded in My.Leave for supervisor notification and timesheet approval.
    • Resignation & Retirement
      • Approves and accepts resignations
      • Initiates close out protocol with employee, supervisor, human resources, Human Resources Service Center, and Dean’s Office
        • Protocol includes informing the College of Arts and Sciences' Human Resource Manager of vacancy for position review or fill initiation
    • Consulting
      • Identify service gaps and then engage necessary stakeholders to resolve
      • Ad hoc consulting on campus initiatives, college strategies, and human recourse projects
      • Advises department chairs and directors on all of the above
      • Works with employees to resolve conflicts, by identifying resources