Link Your CU Email to Your Coursera Account
1. Log in to your email account
- Open the email from Coursera with the subject ACTION NEEDED: Link your Coursera account... (Can’t find the email? Check your junk/spam/bulk folder.)
- Click the blue “Log in” button.

2. Log in with your CU IdentiKey
- Click on the blue Log in with University of Colorado BoulderܳٳٴDz. (Do Դdzlog in via email.)
- Log in with your CU IdentiKey and password.

3. Link or create your Coursera account
- Have an existing Coursera account? Click on the blue Link existing account button.
- Do not have a Coursera account yet? Type in your email address and put in a password. Then, click the blue Set Coursera PasswordܳٳٴDz.
- Note: You may not have more than 1 Coursera account per the .

4. Access the Coursera platform
- You will be sent to the degree home page.

Still having trouble linking your account?
Send an email to your program for support using the correct email address below:
- Computer Science (MS-CS):
- Data Science (MS-DS):
- Electrical Engineering (MS-EE):
- Engineering Management (ME-EM):