ࡱ> 574_ bjbj *"jA\jA\  (******$W!NNc.((|p1&HJFy0;";"$;"X"NN4;" > X:  Policy on the Use of Undergraduates as Aides To the Instructor of Record Boulder Campus (Approved by Council of Deans, 2004) The inclusion of undergraduates in the instructional activities of the Boulder Campus has significant educational benefits for both the undergraduate teaching aides and for the students in such classes. Assisting with instruction has traditionally been an excellent opportunity for students to test their abilities as teachers and as future scholars in their chosen discipline while modeling academic success as undergraduates. At the same time, undergraduates attending a comprehensive university such as CU have the right to expect instruction to be provided principally by faculty with advanced training in their discipline. The campus wants to encourage the involvement of advanced undergraduates in classroom, studio, and laboratory instruction where such involvement enhances but does not compromise the integrity of the educational experience for enrolled students. With this goal in mind, the faculty and administration of the Boulder Campus have adopted a set of guidelines under which departments and programs may utilize undergraduates in an instructional role. Deviation from these guidelines should occur only with the knowledge and explicit agreement of the appropriate Dean and the Provost. Department Chairs (or Deans office where the Chair structure doesnt exist) will bear the primary responsibility for implementation and ensuring compliance. Academic Affairs Policy Guidelines Undergraduates should only be used as assistants in courses they have already completed or are otherwise academically prepared to assist. (a) Undergraduate teaching aides (UGTAs) should be rigorously and regularly supervised by the instructor of record (which cannot include GPTIs and graduate TAs) who is responsible for the course. (b) Undergraduate teaching aides (UGTAs) should be rigorously and regularly supervised by the instructor of record which may include appropriately trained and experienced GPTIs or graduate TAs. 3. UGTAs may not be used as the instructor of record in any lecture, recitation, studio, laboratory, or field course. Acceptable assignments for UGTAs in the instructional process include: attending lectures and offering additional office hours or help sessions, serving as an assistant to a faculty member in recitations, labs, or studios when the faculty person provides close supervision (implying direction and consultation at least every other week), serving as graders of objective exams, quizzes or assignments (quantitative exams, multiple choice, true-false, defined problem solutions, etc.) only. Grading must be submitted in each instance to the instructor of record for review and approval, serving as preparators, or researchers associated with courses, serving as peer advisors under supervision of appropriately trained faculty or staff. Unacceptable uses of UGTAs include: allowing UGTAs to assign grades for any course or for setting grading policy of any type, serving as an instructor in any lecture, laboratory, recitation, field or studio section without close supervision by the instructor of record, serving as grader of exams, assignments and quizzes that require subjective, expert evaluation of quality (essays, term papers, oral reports, narrative reports on projects, fine art work, artistic performances, etc.), allowing UGTAs to write exam questions or quizzes that are not rigorously reviewed in every instance by the instructor of record, any other circumstance where their use would be perceived by colleagues, the general public, or by enrolled students as having subsumed or displaced the educational obligations of the faculty or graduate teaching assistants. UGTAs are to be compensated for their efforts. Acceptable means of compensation include (a) employment and payment at the prevailing UGTA or grader rate, or (b) offering appropriate course credit in a course where significant instruction and training to the UGTA occurs in a significant discipline-specific teaching context. Tuition credit is specifically excluded as a form of compensation. 7. UGTAs should undergo training prior to their work in a course and wherever possible, continually be trained and supervised throughout their UGTA assignment by the instructor of record. Professional conduct and sexual harassment training are essential and required of all UGTAs. They are likely to face even more intense challenges working with their own age group than are faculty, GPTIs, or graduate TAs. 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