Faculty Report on Professional Activities (FRPA) Modification Proposal and Adoption


The Faculty Report on Professional Activities (FRPA) is a process and accompanying form through which the professional work activity of the faculty is documented, categorized, evaluated, recognized and encouraged at the University of Colorado Boulder (“CU Boulder”) as part of the faculty annual performance evaluation process (“FRPA mechanism”). This policy establishes a uniform and consistent practice for developing, recommending and adopting modifications or additions to the FRPA mechanism.


It is the policy of Academic Affairs that modifications or additions to the FRPA mechanism may be proposed at any time by the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, by any dean at CU Boulder, or by any current faculty member, in accordance with the procedures associated with this policy. The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs has final discretion and authority to adopt modifications or additions to the FRPA mechanism.


Proposal Review Procedure

In order to be considered by the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs for adoption, proposed modifications or additions to the FRPA mechanism should be advanced in accordance with the following process:

  1. A current faculty member may propose a modification or addition to the FRPA mechanism at any time with a submission to their academic unit chair/director, their dean or the Boulder Faculty Assembly (BFA) Academic Affairs Committee (“Sponsor”). A dean, the BFA Academic Affairs Committee or the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs may propose a modification or addition and/or act as Sponsor.
  2. If supportive of the proposal, the Sponsor will submit the proposed modification or addition to, and invite input from, the BFA Executive Committee.
  3. After receiving input from the BFA Executive Committee, the Sponsor will submit the proposed modification or addition to the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.
  4. The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs will report their decision to the BFA Executive Committee and to the Sponsor with the reasons for approval, approval with amendment or rejection.
  5. Any modification or addition must be in compliance with all applicable Regent Laws, Regent Policies, and University of Colorado policies.


The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs will administer the timely implementation of an approved modification or addition to the FRPA mechanism and will publicize the approved modification or addition as part of the normal performance review cycle.

Original XRevised ___

Effective Date:June 1, 2020

Approved by:Russell L. Moore, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Author(s):Senior Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Assessment;Chair, Boulder Faculty Assembly Academic Affairs Committee

Policy Contact:Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs