Credit for Prior Learning
Policy Title: Credit for Prior Learning
APS Number: 8006
CU Boulder Functional Area: Academic
Brief Description: This policy outlines how the University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder) considers and awards credit for prior learning (CPL) acquired outside of a traditional classroom environment. CPL includes credit awarded through standardized examinations, individual course challenges, and assessments of learning experiences outside of traditional institutions of higher education.
Effective: February 3, 2025
Approved by: Russell L. Moore, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Responsible University Officer: Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs
Policy Contact: Assistant Vice Provost and University Registrar
Supersedes: N/A
Last Reviewed/Updated: February 3, 2025
Applies to:All students enrolled in degree or certificate programs at CU Boulder
Reason for Policy: To provide a structured process for recognizing and awarding credit for learning acquired outside of a traditional classroom environment in compliance with State of Colorado law, University of Colorado policy and University of Colorado Boulder accreditation standards and requirements.
Credit for prior learning (CPL) is a term that broadly describes the various methods that institutions of higher education use to evaluate learning that has occurred outside of the traditional academic environment
This policy does not cover the application of transfer credit from institutions accredited by agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or from international institutions of higher education. It also does not cover transfer credit for military experience as documented on a Form DD 214, Service Separation Certificate, Joint Services Transcript or Community College of the Air Force transcript.
Course challenge: A process by which students seek to demonstrate knowledge and competencies in a specific CU Boulder course through an approved assessment to earn academic credit.
Standardized exams: Nationally recognized exams such as CLEP, AP, IB and DANTES that allow students to earn college credit by achieving specific scores.
Resident credit: Credit earned through courses or assessments administered by CU Boulder that applies toward residency requirements for degrees or certificates.
GT Pathways: Guaranteed Transfer Pathways, a set of general education courses guaranteed to transfer to any Colorado public college or university.
CR grade: A grade representing “credit earned,” not calculated in GPA but counted toward credit totals.
U grade: A grade representing “unsuccessful,” not calculated in GPA or credit totals.
- Institutional requirements
- Standards for awarding CPL must comply with State of Colorado law (C.R.S. §23-1-125(4) and C.R.S. §23-5-145.5(1)(f)); the policies of the University of Colorado (CU), particularly Administrative Policy Statement (APS) 8006, “Acceptance of Credit for Prior Learning;” and the policies of the Higher Learning Commission, with particular attention to the definition of credit hour and, where appropriate, assessment of learning.
- Academic units must establish and maintain transparent practices by which prior learning experiences are evaluated for the acquisition of student learning, their relevance to the degree and their applicability to degree requirements. Academic units must also provide oversight, including periodic assessment, of these practices within their programs and must provide a description of their practices and assessment methods as required for periodic academic program review, program or university accreditation, and other assessments carried out by the relevant dean’s office(s), the Division of Academic Affairs and/or the Office of the Provost.
- The university must publicly disclose CPL information on its appropriate websites, including on the university’s Student Consumer Information web page and in the CU Boulder University Catalog.
- Student requirements
- To be eligible for CPL, students must be currently enrolled at CU Boulder in a degree or certificate program. An exception is made for credit earned through standardized exams, which is typically evaluated and posted to academic records prior to initial enrollment; however, such credit is removed from academic transcripts for students who do not matriculate to CU Boulder.
- 鶹Ժ may not be enrolled in (or must be officially withdrawn from) the course(s) for which CPL is being considered or evaluated.
- Prior completion of a course at CU Boulder or any other institution renders students ineligible to receive CPL for the same (or equivalent, including cross-listed) course.
- Academic requirements
- CPL does not replace credits or grades already awarded for the same course.
- Undergraduate-level CPL may apply to requirements for an undergraduate degree or certificate.
- Graduate-level CPL is limited to master’s degree programs and is subject to prior approval by the dean of the Graduate School. A maximum of 3 CPL credits may apply to a master’s degree, and the combined total of CPL and transfer credit applied to a master’s degree may not exceed 9 credits.
- CPL may not be applied to a doctoral degree or to any graduate-level certificate.
- The academic unit is responsible for determining how CPL applies to program requirements, either as direct equivalents or exceptions (substitutions). If a student with earned CPL changes academic programs at CU Boulder, the new academic unit determines whether and how the CPL applies to the requirements of the new program.
- 鶹Ժ must fulfill university residency requirements regardless of CPL:
- A minimum of 45 credits applied to baccalaureate degrees must be from coursework completed at CU Boulder.
- A minimum of 30 credits applied to post-baccalaureate degrees must be from coursework completed at CU Boulder.
- A minimum of 6 credits applied to undergraduate certificates at CU Boulder must be from coursework completed at CU Boulder.
- Categories and standards for credit for prior learning offered by CU Boulder
- Credit through standardized exam
- In accordance with APS 8006, “Acceptance of Credit for Prior Learning,” an undergraduate student may be awarded credit for designated CU Boulder courses through achievement of minimum scores on select nationally recognized standardized exams (CLEP, AP, IB, DANTES), as evaluated for equivalent credit by CU Boulder faculty and as described in the CU Boulder University Catalog.
- Credit earned through standardized exams is not considered resident credit at CU Boulder.
- Credit through course challenge
- Undergraduate students may receive credit for an undergraduate course in the current CU Boulder University Catalog through course challenge, which provides the opportunity to establish academic credit for knowledge and competencies gained outside the classroom for which academic credit has not already been earned. The academic unit sets the submission requirements and assessment methods necessary to evaluate the student’s mastery of material presented through a standard offering of the course. Course challenge submission requirements may include a final course exam or other items that may demonstrate the student’s knowledge of and competencies in the material covered by the course for which credit is being sought, such as research papers, computer programs, portfolios, recordings or artistic works.
- In accordance with Colorado law, CU Boulder academic units must administer course challenges for CU Boulder GT Pathways courses. For non-GT Pathways CU Boulder undergraduate courses, the academic unit determines if the course is suitable for course challenge.
- The academic unit must complete review and assessment of a course challenge submission within the academic term in which the challenge is administered.
- Standards for course challenge assessment are determined by the academic unit. 鶹Ժ must earn an equivalent of C- or better to earn CPL through course challenge.
- 鶹Ժ may attempt a challenge for a particular course only one time.
- Course challenge credits may apply to undergraduate degrees or certificates either as elective or required credit.
- Course challenge credits are considered resident credit.
- Credit from learning experiences in settings outside accredited institutions of higher learning
- Prior learning may occur in settings outside of institutions of higher learning, such as in the workplace, business or industry, or the community, and CU Boulder academic units may give programmatic CPL for work-related experience as defined by Colorado law: “experience acquired within the past ten years … that may lead to or result in a business credential, an industry credential, a technical certificate, or a professional license” (C.R.S. §23-5-145.5(1)(f)). Such programmatic arrangements must be proposed by the academic unit and approved in advance by the dean of the academic college or school; the dean of undergraduate education (for undergraduate programs) or the dean of the Graduate School (for graduate programs exclusive of Law); and the provost (or designee). The programmatic arrangements must clearly define expected learning outcomes and have an associated assessment plan to monitor achievement of the learning objectives.
- Programs must maintain a record of the assessment process for this category of CPL and make it available to the provost or other entities, such as accrediting bodies, upon request.
- This category of CPL may not replace established courses that represent learning experiences under the direction of a CU Boulder faculty member, such as independent studies, field experiences, practicums or clinicals.
- Credit through standardized exam
End of policy
Credit for Prior Learning Procedures
- Credit through standardized exams
- Process: A student must request their official score report(s) be sent directly from the exam source to CU Boulder for evaluation.
- Transcripts: Credit awarded through standardized exams is recorded on CU transcripts as a block of test credit. It is calculated in credit totals, but not in GPAs.
- Charges: CU Boulder does not assess a surcharge for credit earned through standardized exams; rather, students pay the organization administering the exam.
- Credit through course challenge
Process: A student initiates a course challenge request with their academic unit or college/school dean’s office to determine eligibility. If a course is deemed suitable and the student meets the criteria to challenge the course, the academic unit determines the appropriate assessment methods and minimum requirements or standards.
The student completes a formal Course Challenge petition form and pays the Course Challenge surcharge. The form is then routed to the academic unit authorizing it to proceed with administration of the course challenge. Academic units may not administer course challenge exams or begin other assessments until notified of student approval/payment.
After the course challenge has been completed, assessed and graded, the academic unit returns the form, along with a final grade, to the Office of the Registrar for processing.
Successful course challenges do not automatically satisfy requisites that require grades of C or better; if approved by the academic unit, manual overrides are required.
In lieu of course challenge assessments, academic units may direct students to standardized exams, where available.
- Transcripts: Successful course challenges are recorded as resident credit with a grade of CR (credit earned) within the term the challenge was completed. CR grades are calculated in credit totals, but not in GPAs. Unsuccessful challenge exams are recorded on academic transcripts with a grade of U (Unsuccessful). U grades are not calculated in credit totals or in GPA calculations.
- Charges: CU Boulder assesses a per-credit administrative surcharge for Course Challenges. The current rate is listed on the Course Challenge form. Refunds are not issued for unsuccessful course challenge attempts.
- Credit for learning experiences in settings other than accredited institutions of higher learning
Process: External experiences proposed by an academic unit to fulfill CPL applicable to an academic credential requires approval by the dean of the college or school; either the dean of undergraduate education (for undergraduate degree programs) or the dean of the Graduate School (for graduate programs exclusive of Law); and the provost (or designee). The proposal must include an academic rationale, learning outcomes, and assessment plan as well what requirements or electives may be fulfilled. Approved proposals must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar.
When an approved external experience has been successfully completed by a student, the academic unit must promptly notify the Office of the Registrar so it may be recorded in a student’s academic record.
- Transcripts: Earned credit for learning experiences outside of accredited institutions of higher learning is awarded as a block of external Credit for Prior Learning. It is calculated in credit totals, but not in GPAs.
- Charges: CU Boulder may assess a surcharge for CPL for external learning experiences. The surcharge is based on the experience, and the amount is determined by the Office of the Registrar, subject to approval by the provost (or designee).
Administrative Policy Statements (APS) and Related Policies and Procedures
- CU Boulder policy and procedures for
- CU Boulder policy and procedures for
Adopted: February 5, 2025
Revised: N/A
Last Reviewed: February 5, 2025
- 鶹Ժ, Academic, Credits, Learning